
Development finance topics

Infrastructure finance by bilateral and multilateral development partners


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Infrastructure, comprising water and sanitation, transport, energy, and communications, underpins economic growth, poverty alleviation, and human development. Yet, as the populations of developing countries are expected to grow, especially with rapid urbanisation, existing resources fall short of bridging the infrastructure investment gap.

To address this challenge, development partners try to catalyse private finance for infrastructure through three key approaches:


1. Development partners assist developing country governments in enhancing the investment climate, both broadly and within specific infrastructure sectors.
2. They support various initiatives like Project Preparation Facilities, Project Facilitation Platforms, and Blended Finance mechanisms.
3. Development finance institutions offer equity, loans, guarantees, and technical assistance directly to private enterprises to mitigate their investment risks in infrastructure projects.


The OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC) captures the flows of Official Development Finance (ODF) for infrastructure, which include Official Development Assistance (ODA) and Other Official Flows (OOF). The ODF for infrastructure data is disaggregated into four sectors and 45 sub-sectors. In this context, quantitative and qualitative research is conducted to analyse strategies and activities of development partners in supporting projects and in mobilising private sector resources for infrastructure in developing countries.

See the Interactive Database

Official Development Finance (ODF) for infrastructure at a glance

Infrastructure Finance


  • ODF for infrastructure by donor and by recipient
  • Trend of ODF for infrastructure
  • ODF for infrastructure in commitment and disbursement
  • Official Development Assistance (ODA) and Other Official Flows (OOF) for infrastructure
  • ODF for infrastructure by sector

Online database:


General database access: International Development Statistics Online



Further reading