
Development finance data

Reporting by multilateral agencies and figures on their outflows


In 2016, 31% of total Official Development Assistance (ODA) consisted of core (un-earmarked) contributions to multilateral organisations, or multilateral ODA. The provider countries report these contributions “unallocated” by recipient and by sector because the funds are pooled and the provider therefore does not know their destination.  Additional reporting by these institutions is therefore required to establish how the funds are used for development co-operation in specific recipient countries and sectors, and to improve transparency and accountability. The reported data are used for various analytical purposes by international organisations, civil society, the academic community and research institutes. Provider countries can use these data to see the allocation of their resources channelled through multilateral institutions.

Reporting by multilateral organisations to the OECD only includes developmental outflows from their core resources in order to avoid double counting with reporting by countries. Please see the methodological note for further information on double counting and more generally on tracking development co-operation through international institutions in Development Assistance Committee (DAC) statistics.

Multilateral organisations' gross disbursements (xls February 2018)



  • Islamic Development Bank Statistical Reporting to the OECD DAC


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