
Latest Documents

  • 4-March-2020


    Mind the SDG gap: don’t forget sustainable domestic financing

    Domestic resource mobilisation is a priority as a means to increase national capacity to finance the SDGs. Taxes are already the largest single source of financing, and have the potential for growth. As while the average level of taxes in developing countries remains low, countries have shown capacity to expand their revenues.

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  • 11-September-2019


    Tax Morale - What Drives People and Businesses to Pay Tax?

    Unlocking what drives tax morale – the intrinsic willingness to pay tax – can greatly assist governments in the design of tax policies and their administration, particularly in developing countries where compliance rates are low. This report builds on previous OECD research to identify some of the key socio-economic and institutional drivers of tax morale across developing countries, and seeks to test for evidence of the social contract by examining the impact of public services on tax morale. It also uses new data on tax certainty as an entry point to explore tax morale in businesses, where existing research is very limited. Finally, the report identifies a range of factors related to the tax system that may affect business decision making, how they vary across regions, and suggests some areas for future research. Overall, the report provides a range of suggestions for further work, and how tax morale considerations can be integrated into holistic tax compliance strategies.
  • 2-November-2015


    Tax and Development Programme: Curbing Wasteful Tax Incentives

    Under pressure to offer internationally-competitive tax environments, developing countries offer generous tax breaks that undermine their domestic resource mobilisation efforts with little demonstrable benefit in terms of increased investment. To assist developing countries, the Task Force on Tax and Development has developed a set of Principles to enhance the transparency and governance of tax incentives for developing countries.

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  • 28-July-2015


    Tax literacy for school children and university students is key for fostering a culture of tax compliance

    Taxpayer education is the bridge linking tax administration and citizens and a key tool to transform tax culture. Covering innovative strategies in 28 countries, this publication offers ideas and inspiration for taxpayer education, literacy and outreach. The presentation ceremony, which took place in Bolivia, was attended by representatives of EuropeAid, EUROsociAL, Bolivia's National Tax Service and the OECD.

  • 13-July-2015


    Helen Clark: Speech at launch of UNDP-OECD collaboration on Tax Inspectors without Borders

    UNDP is pleased to join OECD to take “Tax Inspectors without Borders” to scale. There is strong demand from tax administrations in developing countries, for practical assistance like this. Our joint programme being launched today aims to meet this demand, building on the success of the pilot phase, and drawing on the comparative strength of our two organisations.

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  • 1-July-2015


    6th ITD Global Conference

    The International Tax Dialogue (ITD) is organising its 6th global conference at the OECD. This year’s conference will focus on Tax and the Environment, an issue of growing importance and of direct relevance in the lead up to the COP21 meeting taking place later in the year. The ITD is a joint initiative of the EC, IDB, IMF, OECD, World Bank and CIAT.

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  • 30-June-2015


    Building Tax Culture, Compliance and Citizenship - A Global Source Book on Taxpayer Education

    Now more than ever, governments are striving to mobilise greater tax revenue domestically. To do so, they are increasingly reaching out to inform and engage today’s – and future – taxpayers. They aim to foster an overall 'culture of compliance' based on rights and responsibilities, in which citizens see paying taxes as an integral aspect of their relationship with their government. Taxpayer education is the bridge linking tax administration and citizens and a key tool to transform tax culture. Covering innovative strategies in 28 countries, this publication offers ideas and inspiration for taxpayer education, literacy and outreach. It helps revenue authorities in developing countries to strengthen the tax morale and tax compliance of their citizens.
  • 3-June-2015


    Building a more resilient international tax system to support sustainable growth: an update on BEPS, exchange of information and the tax and development programme

    In 2013, a Declaration on Base Erosion and Profit Shifting was adopted at the Ministerial Council Meeting (MCM), and this was followed in 2014 with the Declaration on Automatic Exchange of Information in Tax Matters. Both Declarations called for updates on the progress made in these important areas, and this report sets out the key developments in both areas over the last 12 months.

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  • 22-September-2014

    English, PDF, 957kb

    Part 2 of a report to G20 Development Working Group on the impact of BEPS in Low Income Countries

    At the G20’s request, the OECD is leading the development of a strategy to address base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS). The Development Working Group has asked the OECD to draw together the experiences of developing countries and international organisations in a report on the main sources of BEPS in developing countries and how these relate to the OECD/G20 BEPS Action Plan on this issue.

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  • 1-August-2014

    English, PDF, 1,026kb

    Part 1 of a report to G20 Development Working Group on the impact of BEPS in Low Income Countries

    At the G20’s request, the OECD is leading the development of a strategy to address base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS). The Development Working Group has asked the OECD to draw together the experiences of developing countries and international organisations in a report on the main sources of BEPS in developing countries and how these relate to the OECD/G20 BEPS Action Plan on this issue.

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