

  • 10-March-2015


    Investing in Youth: Tunisia - Strengthening the Employability of Youth during the Transition to a Green Economy

    This report provides a detailed diagnosis of the youth labour market in Tunisia, including a focus on vocational education and training and entrepreneurship, and within the context of Tunisia's transition to a green economy. The report takes an international comparative perspective, offering policy options to help improve school-to-work transitions. It also provides an opportunity for other countries to learn from the innovative measures that Tunisia has taken to strengthen the skills of youth and their employment outcomes.
  • 21-October-2014


    Water Governance in Tunisia - Overcoming the Challenges to Private Sector Participation

    This report diagnoses the main governance and financing challenges to private sector participation in the water supply and wastewater sector of Tunisia, and provides ways forward to address these challenges. It been developed as part of a water policy dialogue conducted by the OECD jointly with the Global Water Partnership-Mediterranean (GWP-Med) in the context of the project labelled by the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) 'Governance and Financing for the Mediterranean Water Sector', with the support of the FEMIP Trust Fund of the European Investment Bank.
  • 16-October-2014

    English, PDF, 4,560kb

    Supporting entrepreneurship in the vocational training system in Tunisia (doc)

    The OECD is undertaking a series of reviews of entrepreneurship support in vocational training and higher training in selected regions and countries as part of its activity on skills and competencies for entrepreneurship.

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  • 17-April-2012


    The Global Forum welcomes Tunisia as new member

    Tunisia today becomes the 108th member of the Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes.

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  • 15-February-2012

    English, , 779kb

    Evaluating the Impacts of Budget Support - Synthesis of Findings from Mali, Tunisia and Zambia.

    Synthesis of findings from pilot evaluations of budget support operations in Mali, Tunisia and Zambia.

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  • 15-September-2011


    Insecurity in the Sahel, the Arab Spring and trans-Saharan co-operation

    A new Trans-Saharan co-operation is needed, viewpoint by Laurent Bossard, Sahel and West Africa Club Secretariat, septembre 2011.

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  • 10-August-2011


    Setting the Rules for the Tunisian Democratic Transition

    To support the democratic transition in Egypt and Tunisia, the MENA-OECD Governance Program organised a preparatory meeting for the creation of a Task Force on Legal and Constitutional Reform. A seminar followed, with the participation of the Tunisian High Commission for Political Refo

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  • 30-June-2011

    English, , 1,817kb

    Earnings Growth and Employment Creation: An Assessment of World Bank Support in Three Middle-Income Countries

    The Bank has identified five policy areas that affect employment: macroeconomic conditions, investment climate, labor regulations, education, and social protection. This study assesses the Bank's assistance to Colombia, Tunisia, and Turkey, 1998-2007.

  • 15-March-2011

    French, , 3,254kb

  • 15-March-2011

    French, , 2,778kb

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