

  • 16-September-2009

    English, , 12,956kb

    Chad and Cameroon - Petroleum Development and Pipeline Project; Cameroon - Petroleum Capacity Enhancement Project; Chad - Petroleum Sector Management Capacity-Building Project; and Chad - Petroleum Economy Management Project

    The evaluation finds that the program's fundamental development objective o f reducing poverty and improving governance in Chad through the best possible use of oil revenues in an environmentally and socially sustainable manner was not achieved.

  • 15-September-2009

    English, , 1,308kb

    Les outils de la coopération française avec le Cameroun 2001-2007 - Évaluation ex post conjointe

    L’évaluation des outils de la coopération française au Cameroun porte principalement sur la qualité du partenariat et du dialogue dans la mise en oeuvre des instruments de coopération.

  • 1-December-2008


    Global Change in African Fish Trade: Engine of Development or Threat to Local Food Security?

    Trade in fish does not lead to a decline in food security and availability of fish for the population of developing countries, according to this study of industrial and small-scale fisheries in the economy of Sub-Sahara Africa.

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  • 22-July-2008

    English, , 697kb

    Agricultural Progress in Cameroon, Ghana and Mali: Why it Happened and How to Sustain it

    This study finds that agricultural progress in Cameroon, Ghana and Mali defies the often grim assessments of agriculture in the Sub-Saharan region.

    Related Documents
  • 22-July-2008


    Agricultural Progress in Cameroon, Ghana and Mali: Why it Happened and How to Sustain it

    This study finds that agricultural progress in Cameroon, Ghana and Mali defies the often grim assessments of agriculture in the Sub-Saharan region.

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  • 8-April-2008

    English, , 313kb

    Cameroon, review of the Bank Assistance to the Multisector, 1996 – 2004

    This report assesses the Bank Group’s assistance to the multi-sector in Cameroon over the 1996-2004 period. Multi-sector assistance covers policy-based loans and grants, technical assistance programs, and institutional support for capacity building.

  • 18-March-2008

    English, , 835kb

    Cameroon: Evaluation of Bank Group Assistance to the Transport 1996 - 2004

    The objective of the study is to evaluate Bank assistance to Cameroon in the transport sector, as well as its impact on the country’s development, within the framework of the Bank’s strategies during the period 1996-2004.

  • 26-February-2008

    English, , 396kb

    Cameroon: Evaluation of Bank Group assistance to the social sector 1996 - 2004

    The purpose of evaluating Bank assistance to the social sector in Cameroon is to examine the consistency of the Bank’s policy and strategies in the sector with those defined by the Cameroonian authorities.

  • 26-February-2008

    English, , 816kb

    Cameroon: Evaluation of Bank Group Assistance to the Agriculture and Rural Development Sector 1996 - 2004

    The main objective of this evaluation is to conduct a systematic assessment of Bank assistance to Cameroon's agriculture and rural development sector, in terms of Bank and national strategies and assistance through lending and non-lending operations.

  • 31-January-2002

    English, , 423kb

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