
Publications & Documents

  • 15-September-2022


    The role of board-level committees in corporate governance

    This paper presents a review of the different committees set up by the boards of directors of companies to support their functions. It first focuses on the role of and trends in board committees, their contribution to corporate governance and their evolving role in light of the impact of the COVID 19 crisis and emerging issues. It then addresses the functioning, composition and accountability of committees, notably in terms of risk management and sustainability, and their impact on the effectiveness of boards.
  • 23-August-2022


    Responsible business conduct in the financial sector

    Promoting responsible business conduct in the financial sector is vital to building a sustainable global economy. Although the Guidelines’ due diligence recommendations can help financial institutions, the inherent complexities in the sector create challenges. This paper highlights key considerations for institutional investors in carrying out due diligence that will help to identify and respond to environmental and social risks.

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  • 29-July-2022


    OECD Investment Policy Reviews

    These country reports present an overview of investment trends and policies in the countries reviewed. This can include investment policy, investment promotion and facilitation, infrastructure, competition policy, trade policy, tax policy, corporate governance, responsible business conduct, public governance, and human resources.

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  • 14-July-2022


    Navigating beyond COVID-19 - Recovery in the MENA Region

    Navigating beyond COVID-19: Recovery in the MENA Region reflects on the impacts of the COVID-19 crisis on MENA countries and the potential changes it may bring to their reform agendas. It addresses not only the ongoing effects of the crisis, but also examines long-term consequences and identifies emerging new trends. The analysis was completed shortly before the start of Russia’s large-scale aggression against Ukraine, when signs that recovery was already faltering were observed across the world economy. Since then, global growth prospects have been further affected by the war. Still, the policy recommendations to build long-term resilience in MENA countries have not changed. On the contrary, they are all the more pertinent, as many of the challenges ahead come from structural factors. However, realistic strategies will depend on fiscal affordability.
  • 13-July-2022

    English, PDF, 2,339kb

    OECD Secretary-General’s Report to G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors on the Review of the G20/OECD Principles of Corporate Governance

    This report provides an update on progress of the review of the G20/OECD Principles since the Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors (FMCBG) meeting in February 2022, including on first draft revisions. The report “Climate Change and Corporate Governance” prepared to inform the review is annexed. The review will continue throughout 2022 and the revised Principles are expected to be delivered in 2023.

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  • 28-June-2022


    OECD Capital Market Review of Romania

    As part of the OECD Capital Market Review of Romania, this Mapping Report is the first step towards building a diagnostic of the Romanian capital markets. It provides a comprehensive review of their current state, both before and during the COVID-19 crisis, by offering detailed data and analysis on the Romanian corporate landscape as well as the public equity, corporate bond and private equity markets.

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  • 27-June-2022


    Capital Market Review of Romania - Towards a National Strategy

    This publication provides a comprehensive overview of capital markets in Romania, focusing on conditions for stock market listing, secondary stock market liquidity, growth markets, modalities for household savings, institutional investors and market-based debt financing. It underlines potential areas for reform and suggests policy actions that could help Romanian authorities improve the legal, regulatory and institutional framework for capital markets and ultimately prepare a national capital market strategy.
  • 24-June-2022


    Corporate Finance in Asia and the COVID-19 Crisis

    Asian corporations and their ability to access financing deserve special attention due to their importance in global markets, their integration into regional and global supply chains, and their ownership structures. This report covers some of the long-term trends observed in the listed corporate sector and capital markets in Asia. It also looks at how Asian companies used market-based financing during the COVID-19 pandemic, and the main fiscal and regulatory measures Asian authorities took to support the corporate sector’s access to finance during this period.
  • 21-June-2022


    Sustainability Policies and Practices for Corporate Governance in Brazil

    The event will feature the launch of the OECD report Sustainability Policies and Practices for Corporate Governance in Brazil presents an overview of the main trends and issues related to sustainability and corporate governance, both in Brazil and globally.

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  • 21-June-2022


    Sustainability Policies and Practices for Corporate Governance in Brazil

    This report analyses sustainability policies and practices for corporate governance, both in Brazil and globally. It serves to support the development of Brazil’s legal and regulatory framework for sustainability disclosure, the responsibilities of company boards and shareholder rights. The report presents the results of two OECD surveys conducted with the participation of some of the largest public companies and asset managers in the country.
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