
Publications & Documents

  • 20-October-2022


    Developments in spectrum management for communication services

    Spectrum is a limited national resource that enables our digital world. Mobile broadband services rely on these invisible airwaves to function, making spectrum indispensable to bridge connectivity divides. It also supports the provision of wireless services across the economy, from education to healthcare to industry, and enables applications such as satellites, GPS and the Internet of Things. Spectrum must be efficiently managed to achieve broader social and economic goals. As such, the stakes of spectrum management decisions are high and the challenges complex. This report discusses the effective stewardship of this essential asset in the context of wireless communication services, presents trends in policy, and discusses future considerations for management. It finds that well-designed and transparent licensing regimes, including auctions, foster investment and innovation, and that flexible frameworks (e.g. sharing or unlicensed spectrum) can promote efficient use.
  • 27-September-2022


    OECD Competition Assessment Reviews: Brazil

    This review provides an analysis of regulatory barriers to competition in Brazil, specifically in the ports and civil aviation sectors, and makes recommendations for Brazilian authorities to mitigate harm to competition and foster long-lasting growth. It is based on a competition assessment conducted by the OECD in co-operation with the Brazilian Competition Authority (CADE) identifying rules and regulations that may hinder the competitive and efficient functioning of markets in the two sectors under review. The review also includes estimates of the impact that the implementation of certain specific recommendations could have on the economy.
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  • 20-July-2022


    Broadband networks of the future

    The future is digital and enabled by globally interconnected and high-quality broadband networks. However, high-quality networks across the OECD are far from universal and applications across all sectors of the economy, from smart factories and hospitals to automated vehicles, are increasing the overall demand on networks and requiring them to evolve. Furthermore, to ensure everyone can participate in in this digital future, their expansion at affordable prices to un- and under-served areas needs to continue at pace. This report explores how surging demand is shaping future networks and identifies the four main technological trends that are driving this evolution. It then takes a closer look at measuring the quality of communication services delivered through those networks to inform policy making. Finally, it provides an overview of how policies and regulations are adapting to support the upgrade and expansion of high-quality broadband networks across the OECD.
  • 30-June-2022

    English, PDF, 3,828kb

    Assessment of the links between the European National Recovery and Resilience Plans and the OECD PMR Indicators

    Assessment of the links between the European National Recovery and Resilience Plans and the OECD PMR Indicators

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  • 21-June-2022


    Regulatory Reform in Brazil

    Removing unnecessary barriers to competition through targeted reforms can foster productivity and economic growth. This Regulatory Reform Review of Brazil analyses sectors that create barriers to competition, such as regulations that create obstacles to the entry of firms, inhibit the entry of firms, or restrict activities in professional and network sectors. In a complementary way, the review also identifies government efforts to develop policies and tools to improve the quality of regulations, such as ex ante assessment of draft regulations, stakeholder engagement in rule making, and administrative simplification. High-quality regulations can stimulate productivity by encouraging the efficient allocation of resources and promoting innovation. In turn, these measures can reduce prices for consumers, stimulate the creation of jobs, and help improve living standards. The review identifies areas for reform to bring the country’s regulations and institutional arrangements more in line with international best practices. It demonstrates how a proportional, clear, and efficient regulatory framework can drive improvements in Brazil’s economic performance and the welfare of its citizens.
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  • 25-April-2022


    Continuing Education and Training and the EU Framework on State Aid - Implications for the Public Higher Education Sector in Brandenburg

    Ageing populations and rising skill demands have heightened expectations that higher education systems will widen their offer of continuing education and training (CET) for adults aiming to renew or augment their skills at an advanced level. CET is becoming increasingly important for maintaining a highly skilled workforce also in Germany, and particularly in the state of Brandenburg. However, Brandenburg’s public higher education institutions have so far been only marginal providers. To expand their offer of CET, they would require more legal certainty about the use of public funding in light of European Union (EU) state aid policy. EU state aid policy ensures public subsidies (state aid) are not used by state agencies to crowd out markets (economic activity). There are no clear EU, federal or state-level directions about whether CET is a non-economic activity and thus exempt from EU state aid rules. This report analyses the reasons for this legal uncertainty and provides recommendations to the state government and public higher education institutions in Brandenburg about how to clarify the status of continuing education and training as a state-aided activity. It also proposes pointers for interpretation and future reform of the EU framework on state aid, and provides impulses for policy action in other German states and at the federal level.
  • 25-April-2022


    Accessing Higher Education in the German State of Brandenburg

    Brandenburg’s economy is undergoing structural change, which opens exciting new prospects for highly skilled workers. The state has intensified efforts to diversify the economy towards cleaner and more knowledge-intensive industries, including the development of advanced manufacturing, spill-over effects from the start-up scene in Berlin, fostering entrepreneurial activities at its own higher education institutions, promoting innovative places for working and living, and phasing out of coal production in favour of next-generation technologies. As the engine of skills development and research, the higher education system will play an important role in helping the state unleash these opportunities. The German State of Brandenburg has therefore entrusted the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development – in close collaboration with and supported by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Structural Reform Support – with the development of recommendations on how to enhance the visibility of its institutions’ programme offer, align this offer with the skills and innovation demand, and make it more attractive to prospective students from the state and beyond.
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  • 30-March-2022


    OECD Global Anti-Corruption and Integrity Forum

    30 March-1 April 2022 - This OECD-hosted forum is the premium annual public event on integrity and anti-corruption worldwide. The 2022 edition will explore the unique challenges provoked by the COVID-19 crisis and how stakeholders across all policy communities can fight corruption and reinforce trust and integrity in multiple domains.

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  • 23-February-2022

    English, PDF, 10,580kb

    OECD Handbook on Competition Policy in the Digital Age

    This Handbook highlights the key messages from the extensive body of OECD work in this area and provides links to all of our digital competition work, making it easier to explore existing resources available on over 40 topics. It also explores the road ahead for digital competition policy, including the need for co-ordination among jurisdictions as they transition from diagnosing concerns, to implementing solutions. More at

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  • 23-February-2022


    Competition policy in the digital age

    Digitalisation is reshaping competitive dynamics in the economy, creating new markets and transforming existing ones. This presents a multifaceted challenge for competition authorities. This handbook and interactive website provide access to the extensive work undertaken by the OECD to address these issues through the Competition Committee, the Global Forum on Competition and the Latin America and Caribbean Competition Forum.

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