
News Release

  • 19-March-2013


    Brasil: é preciso melhorar a coordenação para apoiar o crescimento sustentado e equitativo

    Nos últimos anos, o crescimento econômico do Brasil teve o apoio de importantes investimentos e programas sociais do governo, que mobilizaram recursos em todo o país. Esses programas podem ajudar o Brasil a atingir seus objetivos de crescimento econômico sustentado e promover o desenvolvimento social, reduzindo as disparidades regionais.

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  • 5-December-2012


    Brazil: Enhancing audit reporting is key to the integrity of government accounts

    Brazil’s supreme audit institution – the Federal Court of Accounts (TCU) – has began a process to reform its audit of the Accounts of the President of the Republic to enhance transparency and accountability of federal budget execution.

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  • 26-November-2012


    OECD peer review of Brazil’s Federal Court of Accounts (TCU):Tuesday 4 December 2012, Brasilia

    The OECD’s new Public Governance Review of Brazil’s Supreme Audit Institution – the Federal Court of Accounts (TCU) – assesses the governance arrangements for the external audit of the Accounts of the President of the Republic. The report includes proposals to strengthen the positive impact of the audit on the executive and legislature’s decision making and to encourage public transparency, accountability, and debate.

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  • 21-November-2012


    Water in Latin America and the Caribbean: better governance can improve access

    In Latin American and Caribbean countries the population is growing faster than the world average, intensifying land use and increasing urbanisation. The region is also prone to the negative impact of climate change and natural disasters, putting further pressure on natural resources.

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  • 21-November-2012


    Agua en América Latina y el Caribe: Mejor gobernabilidad puede mejorar el acceso, dice la OCDE

    En países latinoamericanos, la población crece a un ritmo mayor que el promedio mundial, lo cual intensifica el uso de la tierra y aumenta la urbanización. La región también es propensa a los impactos negativos del cambio climático y de los desastres naturales.

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  • 13-November-2012


    Latin America: Tax revenues are rising, but still low and varied among countries

    Tax revenues in Latin American countries are lower as a proportion of their national incomes than in most OECD countries, but are rising slowly. Revenue Statistics in Latin America shows that the average tax revenue to GDP ratio in the 15 Latin American countries covered by the report increased from 19% in 2009 to 19.4% in 2010, after falling from a high point of 19.7% in 2008.

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  • 26-October-2011


    A realização de reformas é fundamental para que o Brasil possa consolidar os seus recentes sucessos, diz a OCDE

    A economia brasileira tem e recuperado rapidamente da crise económica global, mas reformas mais amplas são necessárias para estimular o crescimento no longo prazo, dinamizar os investimentos e reduzir ainda mais a pobreza, segundo o mais recente estudo económico realizado pela OCDE sobre o Brasil

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  • 26-October-2011


    Reforms are essential for Brazil to build on recent success, says OECD

    The Brazilian economy has made a rapid recovery from the global economic crisis, but further reforms are necessary to boost long-term growth, spur investment and further reduce poverty, according to the OECD’s latest Economic Survey of Brazil.

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  • 14-September-2011


    Education: crisis reinforces importance of a good education, says OECD

    People with university degrees have suffered far fewer job losses during the global economic crisis than those who left school without qualifications, according to the latest edition of the OECD’s annual Education at a Glance.

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  • 9-May-2011


    Brazil: joins OECD agreement on mutual acceptance of chemical safety data

    Brazil has joined an OECD chemical testing agreement that allows countries to share and accept each other’s results, saving money for governments and industry and reducing the risk of trade disputes.

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