
Office of the Secretary General

Hanna-Mari Kilpeläinen


As Senior Advisor to the Office of the Secretary-General, Hanna-Mari Kilpeläinen works to advance the OECD’s strategic relations and bilateral cooperation with governments, the European Union, and International Organisations, and strengthen engagement with foundations and other non-state partners, in close consultation with the Chief of Staff and Deputy Chief of Staff.

In addition, she leads and supervises OSG’s communications, working in close collaboration with the Public Affairs and Communications Directorate, and provides substantive input to enhance OSG’s outputs and deliverables, helping to advance the Strategic Orientations of the Secretary-General and the implementation of the Organisation’s Programme of Work and Budget.

Ms. Kilpeläinen joined the OECD in 2011 and since 2014 has held the position of Team Lead for Global Partnership and International Dialogue in the Development Cooperation Directorate, where she led the OECD's institutional support to two ministerial-led platforms which brought together OECD members, developing country governments and non-government stakeholders to address critical challenges for implementing the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Ms Kilpeläinen also previously held the position of Policy Analyst in the Global Partnership Team where she co-ordinated the design and implementation the global monitoring framework of the Global Partnership for Effective Development Co-operation, which was subsequently positioned in the official UN SDGs follow-up reporting. Prior to joining the OECD, Ms Kilpeläinen worked for the Finish Ministry of Foreign Affairs as Senior Administrator and has held positions at the United Nations Development Programme, Finland’s National Committee for UNIFEM (United Nations Development Fund for Women) and was a Lecturer at the Helsinki School of Economics.

A Finnish national, Ms Kilpeläinen has a Master’s Degree in Economics from the Aalto University School of Business (Finland).


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