
Working Papers

  • 10-March-2010


    Explaining Household Saving Rates in G7 Countries: Implications for Germany

    Many propositions have been made to explain the increase in the German household saving rate since the year 2000 from an individual country perspective but most of them focus on partial aspects, as discussed in this working paper.

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  • 26-January-2010


    The automobile industry in and beyond the crisis

    This paper considers the role of the automobile industry in the current cycle. It shows that the industry is economically important and its cycle is intertwined with business cycles.

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  • 29-October-2009


    Understanding the world trade collapse

    This paper shows that world demand (to which trade has become more responsive in recent decades) can explain most of the collapse in world trade, but that tight credit conditions have likely amplified the short-term trade response.

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  • 15-October-2009


    Iceland: The Financial and Economic Crisis (Economics Department Working Paper 725)

    This working paper begins with a discussion of the factors that made the banks, non-financial firms and households vulnerable to deterioration in global financial markets. It then describes the failure of the banks, its direct impact on government debt, the IMF SBA and the economic outlook.

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