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  • 21-January-2014


    EU-US trade and investment talks: Why they matter

    Talks to free up more trade and investment between the European Union and the United States got under way early in 2013. A good agreement in 2014 would be a positive thing, and not just for the EU and the US.

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  • 3-December-2013

    English, PDF, 475kb

    PISA 2012 mathematics, reading and science results - United States

    Note summarising the performance of 15-year-old students in the United States in the PISA 2012 assessment of mathematics, reading and science

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  • 20-November-2013


    OECD tribute to John F. Kennedy

    Though gone 50 years ago this week, John F. Kennedy remains an icon of our times. The OECD stands as a living tribute to his legacy.

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  • 12-November-2013


    Time for the U.S. to Reskill? What the Survey of Adult Skills Says

    This report draws on the new international OECD Survey of Adult Skills to highlight the challenges faced by the United States. It shows that the United States should take action to improve adult skills, if it wants to avoid falling behind other countries. The report also advances a set of key recommendations to improve basic skills across the board.

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  • 31-May-2013


    Inequality and poverty in the United States: public policies for inclusive growth

    Income inequality and relative poverty in the United States are among the highest in the OECD and have substantially increased over the past decades. These developments have been associated with a number of other worrying statistics, including low intergenerational social mobility and weak real income growth for many households.

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  • 29-January-2013


  • 17-December-2012

    English, PDF, 281kb

    Closing the Gender Gap - country note: USA

    Gains in female education attainment have contributed to a worldwide increase in women’s participation in the labour force, but considerable gaps remain in working hours, conditions of employment and earnings.  More specific data for the United States are available in this country note.

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  • 29-November-2012


    Strengthening innovation in the United States

    The US innovation system has many strengths, including world class research universities and firms that thrive in innovation-intensive sectors.

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