
Latest Documents

  • 26-September-2018

    English, PDF, 1,482kb

    Definitive MLI Position for Australia

    Reservations and notifications under the Multilateral Instrument for BEPS Tax Treaty Related Measures provided for Australia, deposited with the instrument of ratification, approval, or acceptance

    Related Documents
  • 26-September-2018

    English, PDF, 2,351kb

    Definitive MLI Position for France

    Reservations and notifications under the Multilateral Instrument for BEPS Tax Treaty Related Measures provided for France, deposited with the instrument of ratification, approval, or acceptance.

    Related Documents
  • 20-September-2018

    English, PDF, 1,319kb

    Definitive MLI Position for the Slovak Republic

    Reservations and notifications under the Multilateral Instrument for BEPS Tax Treaty Related Measures provided for the Slovak Republic, deposited with the instrument of ratification, approval, or acceptance.

    Related Documents
  • 18-September-2018

    English, PDF, 3,588kb

    MLI Position for Saudi Arabia

    Reservations and notifications under the Multilateral Instrument for BEPS Tax Treaty Related Measures provided for Saudi Arabia

    Related Documents
  • 13-September-2018


    Israel and Lithuania deposit their instruments of ratification for the Multilateral BEPS Convention

    Israel and Lithuania have deposited their instruments of ratification for the Multilateral Convention to Implement Tax Treaty Related Measures to Prevent Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (multilateral convention or MLI) with the OECD’s Secretary-General, Angel Gurría, therewith underlining their strong commitment to prevent the abuse of tax treaties and base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS) by multinational enterprises.

    Related Documents
  • 23-July-2018

    English, PDF, 1,720kb

    MLI Position for Ukraine

    Reservations and notifications under the Multilateral Instrument for BEPS Tax Treaty Related Measures provided for Ukraine

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  • 5-June-2018


    Serbia deposits its instrument of ratification for the Multilateral BEPS Convention

    Today, Serbia deposited its instrument of ratification for the Multilateral Convention to Implement Tax Treaty Related Measures to Prevent Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (multilateral convention or MLI) with the OECD’s Secretary-General, Angel Gurría, therewith underlining its strong commitment to prevent the abuse of tax treaties and base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS) by multinational enterprises.

    Related Documents
  • 18-December-2017


  • 9-June-2017


    Save the date: Q&A webinar on the Multilateral BEPS Convention

    You are invited to join a webinar on 9 June at 15h00 with OECD experts to discuss the Multilateral Convention to Implement Tax Treaty Related Measures to Prevent BEPS (MLI). This online event follows the signing ceremony which took place in Paris on 7 June where over 65 countries and jurisdictions signed the multilateral instrument. Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions during the webinar.

    Related Documents
  • 30-October-2015


    Model Tax Convention on Income and on Capital 2014 (Full Version)

    This publication is the ninth edition of the full version of the OECD Model Tax Convention on Income and on Capital. This full version contains the full text of the Model Tax Convention on Income and on Capital as it read on 15 July 2014, including the Articles, Commentaries, non-member economies positions, the Recommendation of the OECD Council, the historical notes (now expanded to go back to 1963), the detailed list of conventions between OECD member countries and the background reports.
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