

  • 19-June-2013


    Avoiding death by diesel, blog post by Simon Upton

    "It is estimated that air pollution from diesel-fuelled road transport kills 10 times more people each year in France than those who die in road accidents": OECD Insights Blog's post by Simon Upton, head of the OECD Environment Directorate, founder and Chair of the Round Table on Sustainable Development, and former New Zealand environment minister.

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  • 20-March-2012


    How tax can tackle the job crisis

    Taxes affect incentives on both sides of the labour market. They can discourage employers from hiring, would-be employees from taking up work, and current employees from working longer and harder. Alastair Thomas explains in the OECD Observer.

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  • 8-December-2011


    Tweeting on your taxes

    Social media is being exploited by advertisers, politicians and headhunters. Government tax offices are also weighing in.

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  • 21-April-2002


    Transfer Pricing: Keeping it at Arm's Length

    Article for the OECD's Observer, written by John Neighbour from the Centre for Tax Policy and Administration

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