
South Africa

  • 26-September-2016

    English, PDF, 512kb

    Environmental taxes: Key findings for South Africa

    This country note provides an environmental tax and carbon pricing profile for South Africa. It shows environmentally related tax revenues, taxes on energy use and effective carbon rates.

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  • 8-July-2016


    Database on instruments used for environmental policy

    This database provides information on environmentally related taxes, fees and charges, tradable permit systems, deposit refund systems, environmentally motivated subsidies and voluntary approaches used in environmental policy in OECD member countries and a number of other countries. Developed in co-operation between the OECD and the European Environment Agency.

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  • 17-December-2015


    How can South Africa’s tax system meet revenue raising challenges?

    Reforms over the past two decades have produced a well-balanced, modern tax system. However, considerable revenues will be needed in the years ahead to expand social spending and infrastructure in order to raise growth and well-being. The challenge is to generate these revenues without penalising growth or exacerbating inequality.

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  • 22-February-2011


    Strengthening the macroeconomic policy framework in South Africa

    South Africa’s macroeconomic framework has served the economy well, but should be strengthened to make the economy more resilient to external shocks.

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