
Latest Documents

  • 3-July-2009

    English, PDF, 767kb

    Compliance Management of Large Business Task Group: Experiences and Practices of Eight OECD Countries

    This guidance note presents an overview of approaches and methods used by tax administrations in managing large taxpayers’ compliance. Recognising that large business taxpayers are different from other groups of taxpayers, many tax administrations have instituted specific organisational and management arrangements as well as special compliance programmes as part of a strategy to deal effectively with this segment of taxpayers.

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  • 25-June-2009


    Banking on fair tax

    The financial crisis might not have been caused by taxation, but it nonetheless raises concerns about evasion, compliance and transparency in financial markets. The OECD Observer asked South Africa's minister of finance, Pravin Gordhan, who chairs the OECD's Forum on Tax Administration, to explain.

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  • 29-May-2009


    Tax collectors worldwide to co-operate in revenue-raising to offset fiscal deficits

    With governments facing soaring budget deficits as they seek to combat the global economic slump, tax authorities from around the world have agreed on a new cooperation plan.

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  • 2-April-2009

    English, PDF, 1,338kb

    Managing and Improving Compliance: Recent Developments in Compliance Risk Treatments

    This information note describes recent progress by revenue bodies in the development of more innovative or unusual risk treatment approaches to address non-compliance in the small and medium enterprise (SME) sector and provides examples of evaluation approaches adopted by agencies to measure the impacts and outcomes of these new treatment methods.

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  • 18-March-2009


    Consultation and public comments on the OECD’s project on High Net Worth Individuals

    On February 9, 2009 the OECD held a consultation on its project on High Net Worth Individuals (“HNWI”). The consultation followed from the release of a discussion paper on the project (October 2008).

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  • 20-January-2009

    English, PDF, 4,879kb

    Tax Administration in OECD and Selected Non-OECD Countries: Comparative Information Series (2008)

    The Comparative Information Series (CIS) is a comprehensive survey of tax administration practices across 30 OECD and 13 selected non-OECD countries. Its starting point is the premise that revenue bodies can be better informed and work more effectively together given a broad understanding of the administrative context in which each operates.

    Related Documents
  • 2-July-2008

    English, PDF, 841kb

    Monitoring Taxpayers’ Compliance: A Practical Guide Based on Revenue Body Experience

    This guidance note has been prepared to assist member revenue bodies advance their thinking and practices concerning the monitoring of taxpayers’ compliance with the tax laws and to generally promote discussion among Forum members on this important strategic tax administration issue.

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  • 22-January-2008

    English, Excel, 719kb

    Programmes to Reduce the Administrative Burden Resulting from Tax Regulations in Selected Countries

    This information note describes features of country programmes to reduce the administrative burden on business and, to a lesser extent, citizens resulting from tax regulations. It has been prepared following extensive research by the Secretariat and with the assistance of revenue bodies participating in the Forum on Tax Administration’s (FTA) Taxpayer Services Sub-group.

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  • 22-January-2008

    English, PDF, 382kb

    Third Party Reporting Arrangements and Pre-filled Tax Returns: The Danish and Swedish Approaches

    This information note prepared by the Forum on Tax Administration provides further information on the systems of pre-filling personal tax returns operating successfully in Denmark and Sweden. (The Forum’s initial note on this topic was published in March 2006.) ‘Pre-filling’ is a concept that has come into prominence over the last 5-10 years following major advances in Nordic region countries and its adoption (to varying degrees) by

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  • 11-January-2008

    English, PDF, 498kb

    Study into the Role of Tax Intermediaries

    This report sets out the conclusions of the OECD Tax Intermediaries Study, that commenced in September 2006 following the Forum on tax Administration (FTA) third meeting in Seoul, Korea.

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