
Latest Documents

  • 7-April-2020


    Tackling the coronavirus: OECD Forum on Tax Administration publishes advice on business continuity considerations for tax administrations

    The OECD Forum on Tax Administration (FTA), in collaboration with the Intra-European Organisation of Tax Administrations (IOTA) and the Inter-American Center of Tax Administrations (CIAT), has today published a reference document on critical business continuity considerations for tax administrations in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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  • 31-March-2020


    Tackling the coronavirus: OECD Forum on Tax Administration publishes actions that tax administrations are currently taking to support taxpayers

    In the light of the worsening global impacts of Covid-19 on individual taxpayers, businesses and the wider economy, the OECD Forum on Tax Administration (FTA) has today published a global reference document setting out actions that FTA tax administrations are currently taking to support taxpayers.

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  • 23-March-2020


    Blog post: Tax in the time of COVID-19

    As we navigate through this global crisis, one of the few certainties is that tax policy will play an important role in the immediate response of governments to support individuals and businesses, as well as in future rounds of policy action, including to rebuild our economies, which will ultimately take place once the health crisis has been contained.

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  • 20-March-2020


    Tax administration responses to Covid-19: support for taxpayers

    These suggestions are not recommendations but are intended to assist administrations globally in their consideration of appropriate measures in their own national contexts to help taxpayers during this difficult period.

    Related Documents
  • 28-March-2019


    The Sharing and Gig Economy: Effective Taxation of Platform Sellers - Forum on Tax Administration

    This report looks at approaches to help ensure the effective taxation of those earning income from the sale of goods or services in the sharing and gig economy. It considers the different ways that tax administrations can best engage with platform sellers, sharing and gig economy platforms, and each other to enable more effective tax compliance. The report is divided into four chapters. The first chapter sets out the background to the sharing and gig economy and the role of online platforms. The second chapter provides some examples of current approaches that are being taken by OECD Forum on Tax Administration members that participated in this work. Chapter three sets out a range of options that tax administrations may wish to consider to help enable compliance in this sector. Finally, chapter four sets out three recommendations and considerations for possible further work: joint work between tax administrations and platforms on providing information and support to platform sellers; improving the evidence base to enhance understanding of the tax at risk in relation to platforms; and assisting in the possible development of a legislative model for standardised reporting by sharing and gig economy platforms.
  • 28-March-2019


    Joint Audit 2019 – Enhancing Tax Co-operation and Improving Tax Certainty - Forum on Tax Administration

    Improved dispute prevention and dispute resolution are key concerns for both business and tax administrations by creating incentives for low-risk behaviour among taxpayers and helping tax administrations to better match resources to tax risks. Joint Audits are an essential element in the Tax Certainty Agenda and allow tax administrations to operate efficiently and effectively in an increasingly global environment, co-operating ever more closely and frequently with each other to ensure compliance, tackle base erosion and profit shifting, and minimise the probability of costly and time-consuming disputes. The report sets out the most advanced form of audit-related tax co-operation, provides best practices and identifies possible areas of improvement and future work, not limited to the OECD Forum on Tax Administration.
  • 29-September-2017


    The Changing Tax Compliance Environment and the Role of Audit

    The report sets out how tax compliance strategies are evolving in light of new technologies, data sources and tools, including the increasing use of advanced analytics. It also looks at how these changes might affect the role of audit and auditors in the future. Finally it suggests a number of areas where further work by the Forum on Tax Administration might assist tax administrations in their consideration and implementation of administrative reforms as a result of the changing compliance environment.
  • 13-May-2016

    English, PDF, 646kb

    FTA Annual Report 2015-2016

    Highlights and achievements of the Forum on Tax Administration 2015-2016.

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  • 13-May-2016


    Technologies for Better Tax Administration - A Practical Guide for Revenue Bodies

    This report looks at effective e-service provision by tax administrations, summarising eight critical areas, and explores big data management and portals, as well as natural systems, in detail. It highlights key opportunities in these areas, looking at how these emerging technologies can be best used by tax administrations. It also provides practical examples of how tax administrations have begun to utilise these technologies and delivers a maturity matrix for the two areas to assist strategic and operational decision making by tax administrations. Finally, it sets out conclusions, recommendations and next steps. This report has been prepared by the Forum on Tax Administration’s E-services and Digital Delivery Programme. The work was initiated by the FTA Bureau as part of its 2015/16 work programme and was led by the Federal Tax Service of Russia (FTS).  With tax administrations clear that e-service options can improve taxpayer compliance levels and participation while at the same time lowering their cost of operation; but with available options many and varied, and with the cost of implementation high,  the FTA has over the last five years provided a wide range of guidance in the deployment of effective e-services.  
  • 13-May-2016


    Tax Administrations and Capacity Building - A Collective Challenge

    Effective tax systems are a critical building block for increased domestic resources in developing countries, essential for sustainable development and for promoting self-reliance, good governance, growth and stability. This report begins with an overview of the current tax capacity building landscape, highlighting key initiatives and recent developments that have emerged in response to developing country needs. It then examines how tax administrations, as well as international and regional organisations, are supporting and delivering capacity building assistance to developing countries, and it offers guidance both in relation to G20 priorities and more generally. The report is based on a mapping exercise and a survey of members of the OECD’s Forum on Tax Administration (FTA), drawing on the insights and expertise of a nine-country task team led by the FTA commissioners of Canada and China and supported by the FTA Secretariat.
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