
By Date

  • 29-May-2015


    Skills and labour market performance in Sweden

    Both educational attainment and skills, as measured in the OECD Survey of Adult Skills (PIAAC), are high in Sweden. They are not perfect substitutes, but both are to some degree necessary for successfully integrating in the Swedish labour market.

    Related Documents
  • 31-March-2015

    English, PDF, 516kb

    Sweden Policy Brief: Boosting Job Creation by Connecting the Employment and Skills System to Employers

    Sweden has a well-educated population and a high level of skills relative to other OECD countries, but student performance has fallen for the past decades. An additional challenge is how to better connect the education system to the labour market to ensure that students are equipped with those skills demanded by employers.

    Related Documents
  • 31-March-2015

    English, PDF, 354kb

    Sweden Policy Brief: Achieving Greater Equality of Opportunities and Outcomes for All

    Sweden’s level of income inequality is low by international standards but has steadily increased since the mid-1980s, faster than in any other OECD country. Reversing the increase in inequality requires a policy package built on three pillars.

    Related Documents
  • 31-March-2015

    English, PDF, 343kb

    Sweden Policy Brief: Promoting Labour Market Integration among Sweden's Migrant Population

    Much thought has gone into the design of migrant integration policy in recent years, but migrants’ labour market outcomes continue to lag behind those of other Swedes, notably because of low educational attainment and literacy proficiency.

    Related Documents
  • 1-December-2014


    Key findings on migration in Sweden 2014

    In December 2013, the Swedish population reached 9 million of which 1.5 million (15.9%) were foreign-born and about 468 000 Swedish-born with two foreign-born parents.

  • 28-November-2014


    OECD Environmental Performance Reviews: Sweden 2014

    This report is the third OECD review of Sweden’s environmental performance. It evaluates progress towards sustainable development and green growth, with a focus on Sweden's longstanding commitment to mitigating emissions of greenhouse gases and its management of marine ecosystem services and water. 
    Also AvailableEgalement disponible(s)
  • 6-October-2014


    Regional Outlook 2014: Sweden

    Getting regions and cities 'right', adapting policies to the specificities of where people live and work, is vital to improving citizens’ well-being. View the country factsheets from the publication OECD Regional Outlook 2014.

    Related Documents
  • 9-September-2014

    English, PDF, 500kb

    Education at a Glance 2014: Sweden

    As in other Scandinavian countries, lifelong learning is very well developed in Sweden, and contributes to making the system inclusive.

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  • 5-June-2014


    OECD Development Co-operation Peer Reviews: Sweden 2013

    This DAC peer reviews of Sweden assesses its overall development co-operation performance, examining both policy and implementation. It takes an integrated, system-wide perspective on the development co-operation and humanitarian assistance activities of the country under review.
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