
Information Notes on the Food Situation (FOSIN)



Since July 2006, the RPCA network produces a regular analytical information tool - the Food Security Information Note. Building on contributions from network members, it offers a monthly brief overview of the agricultural and food situation. While presenting the main trends and food security issues, it also proposes measures to be taken to facilitate food access of the most vulnerable populations. A selection of information sources and reference documents is proposed for further reading.

For more information, please contact: Léonidas Hitimana  


June  No. 37 Difficulties at the beginning of the lean season
April  No. 36 Food and nutritional crisis in the Eastern Sahel
March  No. 35 Critical situation in Niger and Western Chad



> download the notes directly from the RPCA website




No. 21 

Could a forecasted satisfactory rainy season ease the hike in food commodity prices during the upcoming 2008 lean period?


No. 20

Managing the lean period with rising food commodity prices


No. 19

Food Security of the Poorest Households in Urban and Rural Areas Threatened by a Rise in Food Commodity Prices
March No. 18 Better functioning of staple food crop markets is urgently needed
February No. 17 What are the strategies to deal with the persisting rise in food product prices?
January   No. 16

Issues linked to the rise in prices of food products     


November No. 15

Assessment time

October No. 14

Cereal production slightly below 2006 production

September No. 13

Should satisfactory agricultural and food prospects be expected?

August No. 12

Coping with the consequences of flooding!

July No. 11

A slow start to the rainy season in the Sahel until mid-July 2007

June No. 10

Will there be an exceptionally favourable lean period in the Sahel?

May No. 9

An overall satisfactory food situation going into the 2007 wintering period

April No. 8

Overall satisfactory 2006-2007 agricultural situation… but challenges remain with regard to food security

March No. 7

Definitive Assessment of the 2006/07 Agricultural Campaign in the Region

February No. 6  

Surplus cereal production but some challenges regarding food security


November No. 5

Hopes for a good season have been confirmed

October No. 4

Will locusts jeopardise the good agricultural season forecast?

September No. 3

Renewed hope, but attention is focused on the last moments of a rainy season which began capriciously

August No. 2

There are reasons to be hopeful, but Niger, Mauritania and Guinea-Bissau still merit particular attention

July No. 1

Is a second consecutive food crisis in Niger likely? What is the situation for the other Sahelian and West African countries?


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