
Sahel and West Africa Club's Strategy and Policy Group Meeting


GTZ House, Berlin
 25 and 26 January 2007

Background | Objectives | Topics | Expected Outcomes | Participants | Contact & Documents | Images


The Sahel and West Africa Club’s Policy and Strategy Group (SPG), the Club’s Board of Directors, meets twice a year (thematic meeting held in a West African country and a strategic and administrative/ budgetary meeting held in an OECD country) to examine the work accomplished and to approve the SWAC’s multi-year work plan. The SPG is comprised of representatives from contributing countries with the participation of West African countries as well as the main regional partner institutions and networks (AU, CILSS, ECOWAS, ROPPA, WAEMU, etc.).


The Berlin SPG meeting aimed to:

  • Examine the work accomplished in 2006 and take stock of ongoing SWAC activities;
  • Present upcoming SWAC activities for 2007-2008;
  • Evaluate its financial situation for 2007 and beyond;
  • Brainstorm on the Club’s orientations.


Following the opening ceremony  (by Mr. Charles Goerens, SWAC President and Dr. Michael Hofmann, Representative of the German Co-operation and Development Ministry) and an intervention by Mr. William Kanyirige, Representative of the President of the ECOWAS Commission, Dr. Mohamed Ibn Chambas, the SWAC Director, Normand Lauzon, highlighted key elements of the .

Four thematic presentations were made by the SWAC’s Heads of Unit on the following topics:

The SWAC's administrative and financial situation was discussed on the second day of the meeting. > agenda

   Expected Outcomes

  • SPG feedback on work accomplished in 2006 and exchange on specific issues;
  • SPG recommendations on future work of the Club;
  • SPG decisions on orientations of the SWAC's Work Plan.


The SPG meeting brought together about twenty representatives of the international development community from 7 OECD Member countries, 6 representatives of the West African diplomatic community as well as 3 representatives of the SWAC’s main regional partner institutions and networks (CILSS, ECOWAS, ROPPA). The second day, focusing on the Club's administrative and financial issues, was reserved to representatives of countries and organisations who contribute financially to the Club. > list of participants


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