
Images of the SPG Meeting, Berlin, 25 and 26 January 2007


Opening Ceremony

Left to right:

  • Ambassador Dr. Matei l. Hoffmann,
    Permanent Delegation of Germany to the OECD
  • Dr. Michael Hofmann,
    Representative of the German Ministry for Economic Co-operation and Development
  • Mr. Charles Goerens, SWAC President
  • Mr. Normand Lauzon, SWAC Director

Left to right:
  • Dr. Michael Hofmann,
    Representative of the German Ministry for Economic Co-operation and Development
  • Mr. Charles Goerens, SWAC President
  • Mr. Normand Lauzon, SWAC Director
  • Mr. William Kanyirige, Director of the Executive Secretary's office, ECOWAS Commission 

  Left to right:
  • Mr. Charles Goerens, SWAC President
  • Mr. Normand Lauzon, SWAC Director
  • Mr. William Kanyirige, Director of the Executive Secretary's office, ECOWAS Commission 

  Left to right:
  • Mr. Normand Lauzon, SWAC Director
  • Mr. William Kanyirige, Director of the Executive Secretary's Office, ECOWAS Commission

Left to right:

  • Mr. Peter Pieck, GTZ, Country Representative: Burkina Faso, Niger, Côte d'Ivoire - West Africa
  • Mr. Jochen Salow, GTZ Regional Director, Sahel and West Africa
  • Mr. Peter Krahl, Director for Regional Organisations, German Ministry for Economic Co-operation and Development
  • Mr. Jean-Marc Pradelle
    Head of office, Multilateral Issues, French Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Left to right:

  • Mr. Carol Voyer, Director, Strategic Planning and Operations Management, West and Central Africa Division, ACDI/CIDA
  • Mr. Guy Mercier, Senior Analyst, West and Central Africa, ACDI/CIDA
  • Ms. Micheline Doffagne, Counsellor of the Internation Co-operation Division, West Africa Programme, Belgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

  Representatives of the West African Diplomatic Community in Germany  

Left to right:

  • Mr. Aléky B. Badjili, Minister Counsellor, Embassy of Togo
  • Mr. Denis Ouedreaogo, Minister Counsellor, Embassy of Burkina Faso
  • Mr. Abdoul Aziz Ndiaye, Minister Counsellor, Embassy of Senegal


Panel Discussions

Following each set of presentations, time was reserved for an exchange of views with participants


Presentation by Mr. Raymond Weber
Head of Unit, Medium- and Long-Term Development Perspectives:                                      
"What Future of the Youth in West Africa?" (French only)

Presentation by Mr. Jean Sibiri Zoundi
Head of Unit, Rural Transformation & Sustainable Development:                                         
"The Challenges of Food Security in the Sahel and West Africa"


Presentation by Mr. Laurent Bossard
SWAC Deputy Director and Head of Unit, 
Local Development & Regional Integration:       
"Migration in West Africa: Perceptions & Realities" |  (French only)



Presentation by Mr. Massaër Diallo
Head of Unit, Governance, Conflict Dynamics, Peace & Security:
 (French only)

  Left to right:
  • Mr. Charles Goerens, SWAC President    
  • Mr. Mamadou Cissokho, Honourary President, ASPRODEB, ROPPA

  Left to right:
  • Mr. Jochen Salow, GTZ Regional Director, Sahel and West Africa
  • Mr. Paul Litjens, Head of Office,  Horn & Western Africa, Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Ms. Corinne Abbas, Policy Officer,  Horn & Western Africa, Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  Left to right:
  • Mr. Hermann Spirik, Head of the Department for Programming and Planning, Austrian Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs
  • Mr. Lutz Sackniess, Senior Project Manager, InWent, Capacity Building International

  Left to right:
  • Mr. Carol Voyer, Director, Strategic Planning and Operations Management, West and Central Africa Division, ACDI/CIDA
  • Mr. Laurent Bossard, SWAC Deputy Director

   Left to right:
  • Mr. Carol Voyer, Director, Strategic Planning and Operations Management, West and Central Africa Division, ACDI/CIDA
  • Mr. Jean-Marc Pradelle
    Head of Office, Multilateral Issues, French Ministry of Foreign Affairs

  Left to right:
  • Ms. Micheline Doffagne, Counsellor of the Internation Co-operation Division, West Africa Programme, Belgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Mr. Jochen Suchantke
    West and Central Africa Section, DED


Left to right:

  • Mr. Normand Lauzon, SWAC Director
  • Ms. Sunhilt Schumacher, Consultant
  • Mr. Laurent Bossard, SWAC Deputy Director
  • Mr. Jean-Marc Pradelle
    Head of Office, Multilateral Issues, French Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Mr. Carol Voyer, Director, Strategic Planning and Operations Management, ACDI/CIDA


Left to right:

  • Mr. Jean Sibiri Zoundi, Head of Unit, Rural Transformation & Sustainable Development, SWAC
  • Sara Minard, Socio-Economist, SWAC
  • Felix Haibach, GTZ Events Management
  • Normand Lauzon, SWAC Director

SWAC team - left to right:
  • Mr. Raymond Weber, Head of Unit       
  • Mr. Laurent Bossard, Head of Unit
  • Ms. Gwénola Possémé-Rageau, Institutional Relations
  • Mr. Massaër Diallo, Head of Unit
  • Ms. Anne Hamilton, Assistant to the Directors
  • Ms. Leslie Diamond, Translation Manager
  • Mr. Franck Igue, Communications & Media Officer
Left to right:                                                      
  • Ms. Gwénola Possémé-Rageau, Institutional Relations, SWAC                                
  • Mr. Massaër Diallo, Head of Unit, SWAC
  • Ms. Sunhilt Schumacher, Consultant
  • Mr. Charles Goerens, SWAC President

Left to right:                                                       

  • Mr. Mamadou Cissokho, Honourary President, ASPRODEB, ROPPA           
  • Mr. Jean Sibiri Zoundi, Head of Unit, SWAC
  • Ms. Lindy Muller,
    Administration, Personnel and Budget Manager, SWAC

Left to right:

  • Franck Igue, SWAC Communications & Media Officer                                       
  • Felix Haibach, GTZ Events Management

Left to right:                                                      
  • Ms. Daniela Barein, GTZ Event Management
  • Ms. Julia Wanjiru, SWAC Web & IT Co-ordinator


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