
Latest Documents

  • 28-March-2013


    Protecting and Empowering Consumers in the Purchase of Digital Content Products

    While consumer demand for digital goods has increased rapidly in recent years, a range of challenges undermine confidence in the market and require policy attention.

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  • 7-February-2013


    Empowering and Protecting Consumers in the Internet Economy

    This report shows that despite the financial crisis, business-to-consumer e-commerce has grown steadily across the OECD, spurred by the spread of mobile devices, easy-to-use payment mechanisms and participative web tools such as price comparisons or consumer ratings. Trust in e-commerce, however, remains challenged by many issues.

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  • 30-January-2013


    Summary of the OECD Workshop on Product Risk Assessment

    This April 2012 workshop provided a forum for critically evaluating the different risk assessment practices being used in various jurisdictions while gathering the views of stakeholders from governments, businesses, consumers and academia.

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  • 17-August-2012


    Report on Consumer Protection in Online and Mobile Payments

    An examination of payments issues is taking place in the context of the review of the OECD’s 1999 guidelines on e-commerce. This report looks at what might need to be amplified or revised to enhance consumer trust and adoption of new and emerging online and mobile payment mechanisms. It reflects contributions made by national delegations, business and civil society.

  • 9-July-2010


    Consumer Policy Toolkit

    The markets for goods and services have undergone significant changes over the past 20 years. Regulatory reform, global markets, new technologies and growth in the role of services in economic activity have driven the changes which, in many instances, have provided significant benefits to consumers. Relatively little attention has been paid to the challenges these developments have posed for consumers. More choice and more complexity in many markets have made it increasingly difficult for them to compare and assess the value of products and services. The challenges for consumers have raised similar challenges for the government authorities responsible for protecting them from unfair commercial practices and fraud. This book examines how markets have evolved and provides insights for improved consumer policy making. It explores, for the first time, how what we have learned through the study of behavioural economics is changing the way policy makers are addressing problems.
  • 1-July-2010


    Enhancing Information Sharing on Consumer Product Safety

    This report reviews the types of information being collected on consumer product safety and the ways that the information is shared with stakeholders and across jurisdictions.

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  • 8-December-2009


    OECD Conference on Empowering E-Consumers

    The OECD Conference on Empowering E-Consumers: Strengthening Consumer Protection in the Internet Economy will be hosted by the US Federal Trade Commission in Washington, DC on 8-10 December 2009.

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  • 18-June-2008


    OECD Policy Guidance for Addressing Emerging Consumer Protection and Empowerment Issues in Mobile Commerce (STI Digital Economy Paper 149)

    The policy guidance lays out the policy responses that need to be in place to ensure that consumers engaging in mobile commerce transactions are adequately informed, and are protected against security or privacy risks.

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  • 25-July-2007


    Report on Second Roundtable on Economics for Consumer Policy (STI Digital Economy 132)

    Report on the 2nd Roundtable on Economics for Consumer Policy, held in October 2006, to consider the economic theories of information disclosure with a focus on two major industry sectors – telecommunications and financial services.

  • 19-June-2007


    Report on OECD member countries' approaches to consumer contracts (STI Digital Economy Paper 131)

    This report covers the four issues most often raised by consumer contracts: misrepresentation; the seller's duty to supply information to the consumer; suitability, or "know your customer" rules; and protection against unsolicited offers and pressure sales tactics.

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