

  • 3-April-2013


    Youth labour market performance in Spain and its determinants - a micro-level perspective

    This paper provides both descriptive and empirical evidence about the main youth labour market problems in Spain. Using the experiences of other EU economies as a benchmark, we document the performance of Spain as regards a wide set of youth labour market dimensions.

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  • 2-July-2012


    An analysis of productivity performance in Spain before and during the crisis: Exploring the role of institutions

    The Spanish economy experienced significantly weaker labour productivity growth than other OECD economies and failed to catch up with the most advanced economies in the period 1996-2007. In recent years labour productivity growth has accelerated, but this recovery is likely to be due to cyclical and temporary factors.

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  • 15-October-2011


    OECD Perspectives: Spain, Policies for a Sustainable Recovery

    Drawing on the OECD’s expertise in comparing country experiences and identifying best practices, the Better Policies series tailors the OECD’s policy advice to the specific and timely priorities of member and partner countries, focusing on how governments can make reform happen.
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