

  • 15-December-2023


    G7 Gender Equality Implementation Report 2023 - Promoting Gender Equality Through G7 Policy

    This is the first G7 Gender Equality Implementation Report, prepared under the 2023 Japanese G7 Presidency at the request of G7 Leaders and in consultation with G7 members, as part of the G7 Monitoring and Accountability Mechanism (MAM) (Elmau 2022). The report presents good practices and progress made by the G7 in meeting commitments related to gender equality made during G7 Presidencies since 2017. The report aims to inform future G7 decision-making on gender equality. The report provides an overview of efforts to promote family-friendly policies; reduce gender pay gaps and improve women’s leadership in public and private sectors; promote women’s entrepreneurship; and foster women’s participation in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). The report also discusses efforts to address gender-based violence, as well as policies targeted at global challenges, including supporting gender equality in conflict and fragile settings.
  • 15-December-2023


    Generative artificial intelligence in finance

    The rapid acceleration in the pace of AI innovation in recent years and the advent of content generating capabilities (Generative AI or GenAI) have increased interest in AI innovation in finance, in part due to the user-friendliness and intuitive interface of GenAI tools. The use of AI in financial markets involving full end-to-end automation without any human intervention remains largely at development phase, but its wider deployment could amplify risks already present in financial markets and give rise to new challenges. This paper presents recent evolutions in AI in finance and potential risks and discusses whether policy makers may need to reinforce policies and strengthen protection against these risks.
  • 14-December-2023


    Evaluation of Belgium’s COVID-19 Responses - Fostering Trust for a More Resilient Society

    As countries seek to draw lessons the COVID-19 crisis and increase their future resilience, evaluations are important tools to understand what worked or not, why and for whom. This report builds on the OECD work on 'government evaluations of COVID-19 responses'. It evaluates Belgium’s responses to the pandemic in terms of risk preparedness, crisis management, as well as public health, education, economic and fiscal, and social and labour market policies. Preserving the country’s resilience in the future will require promoting trust in public institutions and whole-of-government approaches to crisis management, reducing inequalities, and preserving the fiscal balance. The findings and recommendations of this report will provide guidance to public authorities in these efforts.
  • 13-December-2023


    Pensions at a Glance 2023 - OECD and G20 Indicators

    The 2023 edition of Pensions at a Glance highlights the pension reforms undertaken by OECD countries over the last two years. It includes a special chapter focusing on pension provisions for hazardous or arduous work. It describes existing rules, characterises recent policy trends and assesses the design and functioning of early-retirement rules for hazardous or arduous jobs given changing working conditions and ageing pressure on pension systems. This edition also updates information on the key features of pension provision in OECD and G20 countries and provides projections of retirement income for today’s workers. It offers indicators covering the design of pension systems, pension entitlements, the demographic and economic context in which pension systems operate, incomes and poverty of older people, the finances of retirement income systems and private pensions.
  • 12-December-2023


    Economic insecurity in Europe and potential policy responses

    Over the past few decades, economies and technologies have shifted in ways that have made people’s economic prospects more uncertain. This Policy Insights highlights the main findings from On Shaky Ground? Income Instability and Economic Insecurity in Europe, the inaugural report of the OECD Observatory on Social Mobility and Equal Opportunity. It utilises novel techniques to identify the economically insecure, those most vulnerable to income fluctuations, in European OECD countries, and explores the link between income fluctuations, social mobility, and income inequality. It also recommends a range of policies aimed at enhancing social protection timeliness to better support those with highly volatile incomes and at building financial buffers for individuals at risk of economic insecurity.
  • 12-December-2023


    On Shaky Ground? Income Instability and Economic Insecurity in Europe

    Over the past few decades, economies and technologies have changed in ways that have made people’s economic prospects more insecure. While non-standard work and digital transformation have created opportunities for many, they have also exposed individuals to fluctuations in their incomes, known as 'income instability', as have major recent shocks. Recognising that individuals’ jobs and circumstances can change multiple times in a year, this report uses novel techniques to identify who is most exposed to income instability in European OECD countries and examines the effects it has on their lives, social mobility, and inequality. Income instability can be difficult to manage for individuals who lack the financial resources to smooth their incomes. In this report, people facing the twin problems of exposure and vulnerability to income instability are considered to be economically insecure. Economic insecurity falls predominantly on people with weak attachments to the labour force and on those who are not well-placed to leverage the benefits of digitalisation. People at risk of economic insecurity are more likely to worry about losing their jobs in the future than economically secure individuals and, as shown in other research, experience poor health, food insecurity, and poor childhood development outcomes, which can impede social mobility. Finally, the report reviews a range of policies to improve the timeliness of social protection to better support people with highly unstable incomes and explores options to help those most at risk of economic insecurity build financial buffers.
  • 11-December-2023


    Gender Equality in Australia - Strengthening Gender Considerations in Policy and Budget Decisions

    The Government of Australia has made improving gender equality one of its core priorities, recognising the potential social and economic benefits that it can bring. This OECD Review assists Australia in embedding gender considerations in policy and budget decisions. It draws upon best practices across OECD countries and sets out a series of actions to enable the federal government to strengthen gender impact assessments and gender budgeting. This will help target government policy and resources towards better and fairer social and economic outcomes.
  • 29-November-2023


    Disability, Work and Inclusion in Italy - Better Assessment for Better Support

    EU Funded Note One in seven working age adults identifies as having a disability in OECD countries. Many of them are excluded from meaningful work and have low levels of income and social engagement. Governments can help create an environment that supports social and labour market integration for people with disability. This report reviews the effectiveness of the social protection system for people with disability in Italy and summarises the results of a pilot carried out in four regions testing an alternative disability assessment. The current assessment process can sometimes deny services to people in need of support while being generous to people with significant health problems but who are not experiencing severe disability. A disability assessment that takes medical and functional aspects into account helps to direct services and resources to those most in need and to harmonise access to disability support across the country. Implementing disability reform has proved to be difficult in Italy in the past decade. This report provides evidence that reform can improve outcomes for people with disability.
  • 28-November-2023


    Working hand in hand? Exploring people’s views of the role of different actors in fighting inequality

    Drawing on data from the Opportunities module of the 2022 wave of the OECD Risks that Matter survey, this Policy Insights looks at people’s concerns about inequality and examines their views on the role held by different actors – ranging from public and private sectors to civil society and citizens – in reducing economic divides. The analysis exposes a widespread concern about the multiple facets of inequality: on average, nearly seven-in-ten respondents think that economic resources should be distributed more equally and up to half of them believe that non-economic disparities are too high. Acknowledging the complex nature of inequality, respondents also recognise the need for a multi-stakeholder approach. National governments are seen as key but not exclusive players, and more than half of respondents believe that both public and private actors have a key role to play in addressing inequality.
  • 28-November-2023


    Hard work, privilege or luck? Exploring people’s views of what matters most to get ahead in life

    Understanding people’s beliefs of social mobility is key to designing and implementing policy mixes that address structural disparities and garner broad public support. Beliefs in social mobility may help strengthen the social contract; however, strongly held views on the role of individual effort in determining success in life can also contribute to diminishing support for policies designed to promote greater opportunity for vulnerable populations and reduce inequality. Drawing on data from the Opportunities module of the 2022 wave of the OECD Risks that Matter survey, this policy insights investigates people’s views of the main determinants of social mobility in 27 OECD countries. On average, 60% of respondents believe that hard work is essential or very important in determining one’s social position. However, of this majority, only one-fifth believe that working hard is the only key factor to success.
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