

  • 22-August-2017

    Spanish, PDF, 761kb

    Agenda del lanzamiento del Estudio de bienestar y políticas de juventud en el Perú de la OCDE

    Una reunión de alto nivel se llevó a cabo el 3 de agosto en Lima, Perú para lanzar el estudio de la revisión de la política de bienestar de los jóvenes de Perú. El documento adjunto es la agenda del evento.

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  • 22-August-2017

    Spanish, PDF, 352kb

    Políticas públicas y la participación de la juventud en el Perú

    La presentación destacó la importancia de reforzar la relación entre el Estado y los jóvenes y enriquecer el registro de las organizaciones juveniles del SENAJU. También recomendó promover la participación cívica y fortalecer la pertinencia, el presupuesto y la memoria institucional de los COREJU.

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  • 2-June-2017


    We must bridge divides and make globalisation work for everyone

    Faced with a backlash against globalisation that threatens to trigger a damaging retreat, the OECD has been thinking hard about how to better address the downsides while preserving the benefits of economic openness.

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  • 19-May-2016


    Understanding the battle against extremism

    Whoever has a hammer sees every problem as a nail. Those in the security business tend to see the answer to radicalism and terrorism in military might, and those in the financial business in cutting flows of money.

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  • 4-April-2016


    To have and have more: Wealth management and the growth of global inequality

    When it comes to global wealth inequality, we know how bad it’s getting, but what do we know about who is responsible? When Oxfam reports that 1% of the world population owns more than the other 99% put together, the question arises: who or what is making the rich so much richer, and the poor so much poorer?

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  • 27-May-2015


    Business brief: Who cares for the caregivers

    Consistent careers are a hallmark of a successful retirement. However, too often, workers are called away from employment to care for loved ones, both young and old. Without adequate government or employer protections, workers risk losing valuable years of prime income earning and retirement contribution potential, while being paid nothing to take care of sick or disabled family.

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  • 5-May-2015


    Senescence in the City - OECD Insights blog

    Blog: Anecdotal evidence suggests there are loads of grumpy old men and women around. A new, evidence-based report from the OECD offers some clues as to why this should be.

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  • 13-November-2014


    What an inclusive recovery needs is more, and better, jobs

    Time progresses inexorably. Six years have already elapsed since the onset of the global financial crisis, and employment in many countries is still far below its pre-2008 levels. Even for people who still have jobs, working conditions have deteriorated. Until recently, we were decrying a jobless recovery, but now the data suggest that growth itself may be fading in several countries.

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  • 31-March-2014


    Japan: Closing the gender gap can boost the economy

    Reconciling work and family commitments is a challenge in every country, but particularly for Japanese men and women. Much more so than in most other OECD countries, men and women have to choose between babies and bosses: men choose bosses, women less so, but on the whole there are very few babies and there is too little female employment. These shortcomings are increasingly coming to the fore and will have to be addressed.

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  • 12-July-2013

    English, PDF, 1,012kb

    Balancing Economic Efficiency and Social Equity, as published by the Japan Economic Foundation

    Why Should We Care about High & Growing Inequality? How Unequal Are OECD Societies? Has Gap between Rich & Poor Widened? Possible Culprits in Growing Divide - What OECD Evidence Tells Us about Main Culprits - Importance of Tax/Benefit Systems - What Was the Impact of the Recent Great Recession? What Can Policies Do to Reduce Too-high Inequality?

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