

  • 19-April-2016


    Labour market transitions in Italy: job separation, re-employment and policy implications

    Italy’s low employment rate is associated with adverse labour market dynamics characterised differently across different categories of people.

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  • 17-November-2015


    Labour market reform for more and better quality jobs in Italy

    A well-functioning labour market is indispensable to promote job creation, increase living standards, and develop a cohesive society. In Italy, the various deficiencies of the labour market have resulted in high unemployment, low labour force participation and job-skill mismatch.

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  • 15-October-2009


    Towards Better Schools and More Equal Opportunities for Learning in Italy

    Compulsory school education in Italy produces poor results in terms of 15-year-olds’ performance on PISA tests, compared with other OECD countries, despite a relatively high level of expenditure, as discussed in this working paper.

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  • 23-June-1998


    Microeconometric Analysis of the Retirement Decision: Italy (Economics Department Working Papers 205)

    This working paper exploits an Italian microeconomic data set to study retirement behaviour of women and men using survival analysis techniques.

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