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  • 5-November-2014


    OECD Reviews of Evaluation and Assessment in Education: Slovak Republic 2014

    This book provides, from an international perspective, an independent analysis of major issues facing the educational evaluation and assessment framework, current policy initiatives, and possible future approaches in the Slovak Republic.

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  • 27-September-2013


    The Competitiveness of Global Port-Cities: The Case of Danube Axis, Slovak Republic

    This working paper offers an evaluation of the performance of the inland ports of the Slovak Republic within the framework of the Danube Axis, an analysis of the impact of the ports on their territory and an assessment of policies in this field. It examines port performance over the last decades and identifies the principal factors that have contributed to it.

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  • 11-April-2013

    English, PDF, 2,610kb

    Slovak Republic: Fostering an inclusive job-rich recovery - OECD Better Policies Series

    The Slovak Republic is one of the most dynamic economies in the euro area. The country has continued to converge rapidly towards the living standards of advanced OECD economies. However, the Slovak Republic should continue on its path of reform to achieve balanced, fair and sustainable growth, according to a new OECD report.

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