Territorial Strategic Venture: Universitat Politència de Catalunya and Vocational Training Schools


Xavier Colom Fajula, Polytechnic Universitat Politència de Catalunya (UPC)


Year after year, the number of students attending a technical or scientific university degree course after having completed a vocational-training programme has grown significantly. There are various reasons for this, firstly the economic downturn has destroyed jobs and pressured young people to have more academic training, secondly, vocational-training students are now allowed to compete with baccalaureate students for admission to university programmes, thirdly, university graduates have greater possibilities for advancement than vocational-training graduates. Several actions have been set up by the UPC to address the opportunity to integrate students with varied profiles and in order to facilitate a better co-ordination with all secondary schools. All actions are aimed at enhancing first year students experience at the university. University registering a higher proportion of students from the Vocational Training System are involved, together with secondary schools, in proposing activities addressed to students and teachers alike. Those activities develop inspiring technology topics and take place either in the university or in the secondary schools premises.



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