
Latest Documents

  • 20-May-2016


    Unemployment, temporary work and subjective well-being: gendered effect of spousal labour market insecurity in the United Kingdom

    Statistics Working Paper N. 70, 2016/4 - This paper investigates the extent to which unemployment and temporary work – two forms of labour market insecurity – affect different aspects of subjective well-being (i.e. life satisfaction, psychological well-being and satisfaction with partnership) among legally married and cohabiting couples in the United Kingdom.

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  • 18-December-2015


    Measuring and assessing job quality

    OECD Social, Employment and Migration Working Papers N. 174 - This paper presents the OECD Framework for Measuring and Assessing Job Quality developed jointly by the Employment, Labour and Social Affairs Directorate and the Statistics Directorate of the OECD as part of a broader EU-supported project1 and describes its links to the broader well-being agenda pursued by the OECD.

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  • 25-March-2008


    The OECD System of Unit Labour Cost and Related Indicators

    Statistics Working Paper N. 26 - 2008/4 - This paper outlines in detail the methodology and statistical processes used for compiling the outputs of the OECD System of Unit Labour Cost and Related Indicators. This new System has been developed by the OECD in response to concerns from the international community of economic analysts on the limited availability of internationally comparable data concerning labour costs, particularly in

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  • 2-December-2004


    Measuring Atypical Jobs: Levels and Changes

    Statistics Working Paper N. 10 - 2004/1. This paper presents a new classification of atypical working arrangements, developed by Istat, the Italian Statistical Institute.

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  • 18-December-2003


    Comparing Labour Productivity Growth in the OECD Area: The Role of Measurement

    Statistics Working Paper N 8 - 2003/5 - This paper examines how measurement problems affect international comparisons of labour productivity. It suggests that these measurement problems do not significantly affect the assessment of aggregate productivity patterns in the OECD area. However, these problems do influence the more detailed assessment of productivity growth, notably the role of specific sectors and demand components in