
Working Papers

  • 18-November-2014


    The internet economy – regulatory challenges and practices

    Designing policies that protect society while allowing for Internet’s great economic potential to be fulfilled, is a difficult task. This paper investigates this challenge and takes stock of existing regulations in OECD and selected non-OECD countries in specific areas related to the digital economy.

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  • 10-September-2014


    Reinvigorating the EU Single Market

    The EU Single Market remains fragmented by complex and heterogeneous rules at the EU and national levels affecting trade, capital, including foreign direct investment, and labour mobility.

  • 1-July-2013


    Policy implementation in Italy: legislation, public administration and the rule of law

    OECD indicators of structural policy show that policy changes in Italy since 1998 should have improved the environment for entrepreneurship significantly, but in the same period its economic performance has deteriorated noticeably.

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  • 11-April-2013


    The determinants of informality in Mexico’s states

    Informality has important implications for productivity, economic growth, and the inequality of income. In recent years, the extent of informal employment has increased in many of Mexico's states, though highly heterogeneously.

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  • 11-April-2013


    Legal reform, contract enforcement and firm size in Mexico

    Legal systems provide the basic institutions for firms and markets to operate. Their quality can have important consequences on the size distribution of firms, who rely on them for contract enforcement. This paper uses the variation in legal system quality across states in Mexico to examine the relationship between judicial quality and firm size.

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  • 14-March-2013


    Policy options to durably resolve euro area imbalances

    A simple econometric framework is presented linking current account balances of euro area countries to intra and extra euro area competitiveness, cyclical positions, fiscal positions and the oil price.

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  • 6-November-2012


    Unleashing business innovation in Canada

    This paper discusses how to improve Canada’s business innovation in order to boost labour productivity and output growth. Many general framework conditions are highly favourable to business risk taking and innovation, including macro stability, openness, strong human capital, low corporate tax rates, low barriers to firm entry and flexible labour markets.

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  • 19-September-2012


    Structural reforms to boost Turkey’s long-term growth

    Turkey can achieve strong sustainable growth and job creation but further reforms in the labour market, education and product markets are required for such gains to materialise.

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  • 27-March-2012


    Short-term gain or pain? A DSGE model-based analysis of the short-term effects of structural reforms in labour and product markets

    This paper explores the short-term effects of labour and product market reforms through a dynamic general equilibrium model that features endogenous producer entry, equilibrium unemployment and costly job creation and destruction.

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  • 27-March-2012


    The short-term effects of structural reforms: an empirical analysis

    This paper sheds light on the impact of reforms over time, identifies the horizon over which their full effects materialise, and investigates whether such effects vary with prevailing economic conditions and institutions.

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