
Working Papers

  • 17-November-2015


    Enhancing competitiveness, purchasing power and employment by increasing competition in France

    Over the past decade, France has substantially eased the burden of anti competitive regulations and effectively enforced competition law against anti-competitive practices.

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  • 15-September-2015


    Enhancing dynamism and innovation in Japan's business sector

    Innovation is key to boosting economic growth in the face of a rapidly ageing population. While Japan spends heavily on education and R&D, appropriate framework conditions are essential to increase the return on such investments by strengthening competition, both domestic and international, and improving resource allocation.

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  • 6-July-2015


    Raising competitiveness and long-term growth of the Slovenian economy

    Important reforms have been implemented which raised credibility of Slovenia in the financial markets and boosted confidence. But economic recovery has been sluggish, many people are unemployed and living standards still remain below the pre-crisis levels.

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  • 27-May-2015


    A snapshot of China’s service sector

    The share of the tertiary sector in China’s value added has increased steadily, overtaking the share of the secondary sector in 2013. With increasing incomes, the share of services is expected to grow further as at higher incomes a larger share of income is spent on services.

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  • 30-April-2015


    Reforming the Slovak public sector

    Improving public sector efficiency can help to meet two conflicting objectives: ensuring fiscal consolidation and maintaining room for growth-friendly spending.

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  • 8-April-2015


    The 2013 update of the OECD’s database on product market regulation – policy insights for OECD and non-OECD countries

    This paper investigates patterns in product market regulation across 34 OECD and 21 non-OECD countries, using an updated and revised version of the OECD’s indicators of product market regulation (PMR).

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  • 8-April-2015


    Raising the potential of the domestically oriented sector in Germany

    Reforming and deregulating the domestically oriented sectors, including network industries, crafts and professional services would release hidden growth potential and prove beneficial to the economy as a whole. It could also help strengthen domestic demand and reduce dependence on exports.

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  • 8-April-2015


    Improving transport infrastructure in Russia

    Russia faces very large challenges in modernising its large transport system. Promoting competition in the transport sector is essential, in particular by effectively opening the railway freight market to independent operators.

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  • 8-April-2015


    Improving the business climate in Russia

    Reducing the role of the state in the economy and WTO membership should be viewed as opportunities to strengthen competition, and hence provide incentives for productivity improvements, which are urgently required to ensure stronger growth in Russia because of a shrinking labour force.

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  • 6-March-2015


    Boosting growth and reducing informality in Mexico

    Mexico has embarked on a bold package of structural reforms that will help it to break away from three decades of slow growth and low productivity. Major structural measures have been legislated to improve competition, education, energy, the financial sector, labour, infrastructure and the tax system, among many, and implementation has started in earnest.

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