
Russian Federation

  • 20-June-2005

    English, , 1,532kb

    Regulatory Reform of Railways in Russia

    The Russian Railway system is in the process of rapid legal, organisational and regulatory reform. This paper is based on a series of discussions with the Government on the reform plans and the progress in implementing reform. The conclusions are not intended to be interpreted as requirements or instructions on the next steps in the process. They instead aim to raise questions where, from observing difficult reform issues in other

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  • 20-June-2005

    English, , 42kb

    Electricity Reform in Russia

    The Russian government has embarked on a highly ambitious program of electricity reform. Russian policymakers have recognised that attracting timely and appropriate investment will remain a substantial and ongoing challenge, which can most effectively be addressed through the creation of efficient electricity markets operating in response to genuine price signals, within a robust and predictable legal and regulatory framework.

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  • 20-June-2005


    Russia: Building Rules for the Market - OECD Reviews of Regulatory Reform

    The Russia review follows a multidisciplinary approach and covers the overall economic context for regulatory reform, the government’s capacity to manage regulatory reform, competition policy and enforcement, and market openness.

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  • 20-June-2005

    English, , 383kb

    The Role of Competition Policy in Regulatory Reform in Russia

    Competition policy is central to regulatory reform, because its principles and analysis provide a benchmark for assessing the quality of economic and social regulations, as well as motivate the application of the laws that protect competition. As regulatory reform stimulates structural change, vigorous enforcement of competition policy is needed to prevent private market abuses from reversing the benefits of reform. A complement to

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