

  • 27-July-2020


    When the going gets tough, the tough get going: How economic regulators bolster the resilience of network industries in response to the COVID-19 crisis

    This policy brief was developed by the Secretariat of the OECD Network of Economic Regulators (NER) and is based on examples of practice submitted by members of the NER. It reviews emergency measures taken by economic regulators during the COVID-19 pandemic to ensure continuity of services in network sectors, as well as to adjust regulatory practices and adapt governance arrangements. It identifies long-term questions and implications of the crisis with regard to market structure, infrastructure investment and the role of regulators.
  • 19-December-2016


    Rebalancing Turkey’s growth by improving resource allocation and productivity in manufacturing

    Turkey’s manufacturing sector has expanded considerably but not efficiently and competitively enough.

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  • 28-April-2016


    SME Policy Index: Western Balkans and Turkey 2016 - Assessing the Implementation of the Small Business Act for Europe

    The SME Policy Index is a benchmarking tool designed for emerging economies to assess SME policy frameworks and monitor progress in policy implementation over time. The Index has been developed by the OECD in partnership with the European Commission (EC), the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), and the European Training Foundation (ETF) in 2006 for the Western Balkans. The South East European Centre for Entrepreneurial Learning (SEECEL) joined as an additional partner in 2014. The SME Policy Index has since 2006 been applied in four regions and nine assessment rounds overall. The SME Policy Index: Western Balkans and Turkey 2016 presents the results of the fourth assessment of the Small Business Act for Europe in the Western Balkans and, since 2012, Turkey. The assessment framework is structured around the ten principles of the Small Business Act for Europe (SBA). It provides a wide-range of pro-enterprise measures to guide the design and implementation of SME policies based on good practices promoted by the EU and the OECD. The Index identifies strengths and weaknesses in policy design, implementation and monitoring. It allows for comparison across countries and measures convergence towards good practices and relevant policy standards. It aims to support governments in setting targets for SME policy development and to identify strategic priorities to further improve the business environment. It also helps to engage governments in policy dialogue and exchange good practices within the region and with OECD and EU members.
  • 19-September-2012


    Structural reforms to boost Turkey’s long-term growth

    Turkey can achieve strong sustainable growth and job creation but further reforms in the labour market, education and product markets are required for such gains to materialise.

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  • 9-December-2010


    Regulatory reforms to unlock long–term growth in Turkey

    In the 2000s, Turkey has enjoyed rapid catching–up. This was possible despite the adverse business environment, as the semi–formal and informal economy had a significant contribution to the expansion of the private sector.

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  • 8-December-2010


    Regulatory Reform in OECD Countries: Reports by Country

    The unique OECD peer review process has helped improve public policy. It assesses how countries manage the design, adoption and enforcement of regulations according to a conceptual framework. It ensures comparability while taking account of institutional and cultural differences across countries.

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  • 14-November-2002

    English, , 278kb

    Regulatory Reform in the Telecommunications Industry in Turkey

    This report on Regulatory Reform in the Telecommunications Industry analyses the institutional set-up and use of policy instruments in Turkey. It also includes the country-specific policy recommendations developed by the OECD during the review pr...

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  • 14-November-2002

    English, , 227kb

    Enhancing Market Openness through Regulatory Reform in Turkey

    This report on Enhancing Market Openness through Regulatory Reform analyses the institutional set-up and use of policy instruments in Turkey. It also includes the country-specific policy recommendations developed by the OECD during the review pro...

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  • 14-November-2002

    English, , 383kb

    Regulatory Reform in Electricity, Domestic Ferries and Trucking in Turkey

    This report on Regulatory Reform in Electricity, Domestic Ferries and Trucking analyses the institutional set-up and use of policy instruments in Turkey. It also includes the country-specific policy recommendations developed by the OECD during th...

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  • 10-October-2002

    English, , 433kb

    La réforme de la réglementation dans l'industrie des télécommunications en Turquie

    This report on Regulatory Reform in the Telecommunications Industry analyses the institutional set-up and use of policy instruments in Turkey. It also includes the country-specific policy recommendations developed by the OECD during the review pr...

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