

  • 1-December-2014


    Pensions at a Glance - Latin America and the Caribbean

    This comprehensive examination of pension systems in Latin America and the Caribbean looks at recent trends in retirement and working at older ages, evolving life expectancy, design of pension systems, and pension entitlements before providing a series of country profiles. The special chapter analyses the coverage and adequacy of Latin American pension systems.    
  • 3-September-2014

    English, PDF, 1,058kb

    Risk and Return Characteristics of Infrastructure Investment in Low Income Countries

    This report draws together information on specific factors affecting risk perceptions in Low Income Countries, including different parts of the project preparation and development cycle; identifies practical approaches and initiatives utilized successfully by organizations to mitigate risk, manage information asymmetry, directly address risk in investing in infrastructure in LICs, and change incentives in MDBs.

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  • 29-May-2014

    English, PDF, 2,227kb

    Institutional investors and long-term investment: OECD project report 2012-2014

    This brochure provides information about the OECD Project on Institutional Investors and Long-term Investment. It covers the first two years of activity following the launch of the project in February 2012. This project aims to facilitate long-term investment by institutional investors such as pension funds, insurance companies, and sovereign wealth funds, addressing both potential regulatory obstacles and market failures.

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  • 15-April-2014

    English, PDF, 2,088kb

    Pooling of Institutional Investors Capital – Selected Case Studies in unlisted equity infrastructure

    This G20 report looks at the evolution of private institutional investment in infrastructure and examines how the market has developed; analyses various investment vehicles with a snapshot of the growth experienced in the market; categorises methods used for investing in infrastructure; and, highlights the challenges and barriers to investment.

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  • 3-July-2013

    English, PDF, 1,817kb

    Developing a funded pension system in Russia

    Faced with the acute poverty of many Russian pensioners, the Russian government is engaged in wide-ranging systemic reforms. This report contributes to the policy discussion by identifying aspects of the system that may need to be reformed and describing the experience of other countries as a point of comparison.

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  • 26-February-2013

    English, PDF, 1,219kb

    The Role of Banks, Equity Markets and Institutional Investors in Long-Term Financing for Growth and Development - Report to G20

    Presented to G20 leaders in Moscow on 15-16 February 2013, this report examines the role of banks, equity markets and institutional investors in long-term financing. Using research from the OECD project on institutional investors and long-term investment, the findings will contribute to the work of the new G20 Study Group on Financing for Investment.

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  • 5-September-2011

    English, , 539kb

    Creating a better business environment for financing business, innovation and green growth

    This article explains the European Investment Bank Group’s role in creating a better environment for financing business, innovation and green growth and provides examples of ways that the financing of innovation can be improved against the backdrop of a flexible, business-oriented EU framework.<

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  • 5-September-2011

    English, , 282kb

    Investing in infrastructure: getting the conditions right

    This article discusses how to mobilise more institutional equity into infrastructure. If the regulatory and investment framework is right, more institutional money can be invested in infrastructure to deliver the high levels of capital expenditure needed.

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  • 5-September-2011

    English, , 567kb

    The economic impact of protracted low interest rates on pension funds and insurance companies

    This article discusses selected issues regarding the impact of protracted periods of low interest rates on pension funds and insurance companies.

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