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  • 6-November-2015

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    Infrastructure financing instruments and incentives

    This taxonomy maps out the investment options available to private investors and the instruments and incentives available to attract private sector investment in infrastructure.

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  • 29-October-2015

    English, PDF, 82kb

    Building resilience to climate change risks at the level of cities and SMEs

    29 October 2015, Paris - Resilient cities and SMEs are critical to reducing the economic disruption from climate-related disaster events. In the run up to COP21, these remarks by Adrian Blundell-Wignall at the AXA-UNEP-PSI Conference on Climate Resilience address the importance of building resilience to climate change risks at the level of cities and SMEs.

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  • 24-June-2015


    Can pension funds and life insurance companies keep their promises?

    This chapter from the 2015 OECD Business and Finance Outlook examines the potential impact of an environment of protracted low interest rates on pension systems and life insurance companies. It describes the mechanisms through which prolonged low interest rates can affect the solvency position of these institutions and uses available data to assess potential impacts.

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  • 29-May-2015


    The OECD’s Business and Finance Outlook looks at the Greatest Puzzle of Today

    The greatest puzzle today is that since the global crisis financial markets see so little risk, with asset prices rising everywhere in response to zero interest rates and quantitative easing, while companies that invest in the real economy appear see so much more risk. What can be happening?

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  • 13-May-2015

    English, PDF, 551kb

    Pension funds’ assets in 2014 top USD 25 trillion in OECD countries

    In this issue of "Pension Funds in Figures", preliminary data and early estimates for 2014 show that pension funds’ assets exceeded USD 25 trillion in OECD countries. The largest increases are found in Estonia, Korea, Luxembourg and Turkey, where pension funds’ assets rose by more than 20% compared to...

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  • 15-April-2014

    English, PDF, 2,088kb

    Pooling of Institutional Investors Capital – Selected Case Studies in unlisted equity infrastructure

    This G20 report looks at the evolution of private institutional investment in infrastructure and examines how the market has developed; analyses various investment vehicles with a snapshot of the growth experienced in the market; categorises methods used for investing in infrastructure; and, highlights the challenges and barriers to investment.

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  • 6-November-2013


    Institutional Investors and Infrastructure Financing

    This paper identifies the main trends in long-term financial intermediation focusing on the role of institutional investors in providing long-term finance for growth and development. It also highlights infrastructure as one specific sector that is facing major challenges in long-term financing.

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  • 23-October-2013


    Institutional investors and green infrastructure investments

    This paper examines how institutional investors can access green infrastructure, the extent to which this is currently happening, and the barriers to scaling up these investment flows. Based on four case studies, broader lessons are drawn for governments on the policy settings which may support investment in green infrastructure by institutional investors.

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  • 18-July-2013


    Pension Fund Investment in Infrastructure: A Comparison between Australia and Canada

    At a time when many governments are looking to encourage private investment in infrastructure to bridge the infrastructure financing gap, this paper compares the experience of pension funds in Canada and Australia, looking at infrastructure policies, the pension system, investment strategies, asset allocation and governance of pension funds.

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  • 3-July-2013

    English, PDF, 1,817kb

    Developing a funded pension system in Russia

    Faced with the acute poverty of many Russian pensioners, the Russian government is engaged in wide-ranging systemic reforms. This report contributes to the policy discussion by identifying aspects of the system that may need to be reformed and describing the experience of other countries as a point of comparison.

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