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  • 3-April-2017

    English, PDF, 1,550kb

    Finding the Way: A Discussion of the Finnish Migrant Integration System

    While the number of migrants in Finland remains small, the relatively short history of migration in Finland has led to a number of integration challenges.

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  • 14-November-2016

    English, PDF, 1,476kb

    Recruiting for success: Challenges for Canada’s Labour Migration System

    This document provides an overview of the key challenges for Canada’s labour migration system, along with recommendations for future policy making.

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  • 20-September-2016

    English, PDF, 591kb

    Migration policy debates 12 - Are there alternative pathways for refugees?

    This edition presents an overview of some “alternative pathways” that could help take the pressure off the main traditional pathways for refugees in general and assesses their potential application for Syrians in particular. Overall, these alternatives can help provide safe channels and good integration prospects to refugees who might otherwise be tempted to risk their fate with smugglers and illegal border crossing.

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  • 20-September-2016

    English, PDF, 744kb

    Migration policy debates 11 - Why is migration increasing in the Americas?

    This edition of Migration Policy Debates presents updated information on international migration in the Americas up to 2014 as well as on labour market outcomes of emigrants originating from the hemisphere. It also summarises available evidence on the emigration of doctors and nurses from the region.

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  • 31-March-2016


    OECD Reviews of Labour Market and Social Policies: Latvia 2016

    Latvia has undergone major economic and social change since the early 1990s. Despite an exceptionally deep recession following the global financial crisis, impressive economic growth over the past two decades has narrowed income and productivity gaps relative to comparator countries in the OECD. But Latvians report low degrees of life satisfaction, very large numbers of Latvians have left the country, and growth has not been inclusive. A volatile economy and very large income disparities create pressing needs for more effective social and labour-market policies. The government’s reform programme rightly acknowledges inequality as a key challenge. However, without sustained policy efforts and adequate resources, there is a risk that productivity and income growth could remain below potential and social cohesion could be further weakened by high or rising inequality.
  • 20-January-2016


    OECD Reviews of Labour Market and Social Policies: Colombia 2016

    Colombia has made major economic and social advances in recent years. The combination of strong economic growth and policies targeted at the most vulnerable groups improved considerably the living standards of the Colombian population. Today, the country enjoys higher employment and labour force participation rates than the average of OECD countries and unemployment is steadily declining. Nevertheless, despite these positive trends, deep structural problems remain. Labour informality is widespread, the rate of self-employment is high and many employees have non-regular contracts. Income inequality is higher than in any OECD country and redistribution through taxes and benefits is almost negligible. In addition, half a century of internal conflict and violence has displaced a significant part of the population, and many of them are living in extreme poverty. Despite considerable progress, violence continues to be a challenge and also affects trade union members and leaders. The Colombian Government has undertaken important reforms in recent years to address these labour market and social challenges, and the efforts are gradually paying off. However, further progress is needed to enhance the quality of jobs and well-being for all. The main trust of this report is to support the Colombian Government in tackling labour market duality, generate trust between the social partners, develop inclusive and active social policies, and get the most out of international migration.
  • 12-November-2015

    English, PDF, 722kb

    How will the refugee surge affect the European economy?

    This edition of Migration Policy Debates provides an assessment of the possible economic impact of the refugee crisis. It stresses that while there will obviously be short-term costs arising from such large flows, there will also be sizeable economic and public-finance benefits provided refugees are integrated into the labour market.

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  • 3-November-2015


    Connecting with Emigrants - A Global Profile of Diasporas 2015

    This publication describes the size and characteristics of emigrant populations by origin countries with a special focus on educational attainment and labour force status. It offers origin countries a detailed picture of the size and composition of their diasporas, as well as their evolution since 2000. It contains an overview chapter and six regional chapters, covering: Asia and Oceania, Latin America and the Caribbean; OECD countries; Non-OECD European and Central Asian countries; Middle East and North Africa; and Sub-Saharan Africa.  Regional chapters are followed by a regional note and country notes.      
  • 22-September-2015

    English, PDF, 1,579kb

    Is this humanitarian migration crisis different?

    The current humanitarian crisis is unprecedented with an appalling and unacceptable human cost. This issue of Migration Policy Debates looks at the most recent developments in the humanitarian migration crisis and what makes this crisis different from previous ones.

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  • 1-September-2015

    English, PDF, 624kb

    "Is school (still) one of the main routes of integration in France?" (in French only)

    This edition of the Migration Policy Debates looks at the capacity of the French educational system to integrate the most disadvantaged pupils and namely the foreign-born children or the offspring of foreign-born parents.

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