
Working Papers

  • 28-May-2013


    Restoring Japan’s fiscal sustainability

    With gross government debt surpassing 200% of GDP, Japan’s fiscal situation is in uncharted territory. In addition to robust nominal GDP growth, correcting two decades of budget deficits requires a large and sustained fiscal consolidation based on a detailed and credible multi-year plan that includes measures to control spending and raise revenue.

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  • 13-September-2011


    Japan: Labour market reforms to improve growth and equity

    Traditional Japanese labour market practices, which benefited both workers and firms during the high-growth era, are no longer appropriate in the context of slow economic growth and rapid population ageing.

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  • 13-September-2011


    Japan's New Growth Strategy to create demand and jobs

    The New Growth Strategy aims to create demand and jobs through regulatory reform and fiscal measures.

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  • 13-September-2011


    Japan: Education reform

    While Japan has achieved outstanding scores on the PISA exams, further improving educational outcomes is important to sustain growth in the face of rapid population ageing.

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  • 22-August-2011


    Opening Japan: Comparisons with Other G20 Countries and Lessons Learned from International Experience (OECD Science, Technology and Industry Working Paper 2011/2)

    This paper aims to assess the openness of the Japanese economy and to show how policies promoting openness are conducive to long-term growth.

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  • 15-April-2011


    The Political Economy of Services in Regional Trade Agreements

    How do services commitments in RTAs influence multilateral negotiations? Through 4 case studies of the RTAs of Chile, Japan, the EU and the US, this paper looks at political economy issues underlying RTAs in general, as well as the specific concessions that countries make on trade in services.

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  • 21-December-2010

    English, , 630kb

    Options to Improve the Governance and Investment of Japan’s Government Pension Investment Fund, OECD Working Paper on Finance, Insurance and Private Pensions No.6

    This paper suggests avenues for strengthening the governance and management of the Japanese Government Pension Investment Fund (GPIF), the largest single pool of pension assets in the world.

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  • 15-December-2010


    Greening Growth in Japan - Environment Working Paper No. 28

    This paper assesses Japan’s progress in moving towards such an environmentally friendly growth pattern. It summarises Japan’s achievements and challenges in decoupling environmental pressures from economic performance.

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  • 6-August-2010


    The Use of International Standards in Technical Regulation

    To what extent do governments use international standards in their technical regulations? This paper looks at the electrical household appliance, natural gas equipment and telephony sectors in Canada, Japan, Korea, Mexico, United States and the European Union.

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  • 10-December-2009


    Improving the policy framework in Japan to address climate change

    Japan, a relatively energy-efficient country, has been active in combating climate change. Under the Kyoto Protocol, Japan is committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 6% relative to 1990 over the period 2008-12.

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