
Policy Briefs

  • 30-April-2019

    English, PDF, 335kb

    Japan Policy Brief : Enhancing private pension savings

    Japan has been ageing rapidly due to improvements in life expectancy and low fertility rates. This challenges the financial sustainability, solvency and adequacy of the pension system.

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  • 30-April-2019

    English, PDF, 349kb

    Japan Policy Brief: Harnessing digital transformation for Japan’s economy and society

    Digital transformation offers countries a range of social and economic opportunities. Japan recognises this potential, as indicated by its championing of digital issues at the G20 and G7, and the commitment of the Japanese government to harness data for Society 5.0.

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  • 11-February-2019

    English, PDF, 1,214kb

    Skills-GSR-Country Note-JPN

    Skills-Getting Skills Right-Country Note-Japan

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  • 14-April-2017

    English, PDF, 347kb

    Japan Policy Brief: Strengthening innovation for productivity and greater wellbeing

    To improve productivity and help address socio-economic challenges, such as ageing, Japan needs to strengthen its innovation performance.

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  • 10-June-2015

    English, PDF, 355kb

    Japan Policy Brief: Greater Gender Equality for More Inclusive Growth

    To achieve greater gender equality in employment and more inclusive growth, Japan needs to change the workplace culture and ensure that the tax and social security systems do not reduce work incentives for second earners in households.

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  • 10-June-2015

    English, PDF, 397kb

    Japan Policy Brief: Better Corporate Practices for Higher Growth

    The Japanese economy has for many years been characterised by a low corporate return on equity. Increasing returns requires better corporate governance that improves investment and the use of corporate resources, including cash holdings.

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  • 7-April-2008

    Japanese, , 226kb

    OECD 対日経済審査報告書2008 年版

    日本経済は戦後最長の景気拡大期にあり、2008 年と2009 年は1½~2%の経済成長が見込まれる。成長の牽引役は企業の旺盛な設備投資とアジア諸国向けを中心とした輸出の力強い伸びである。しかし今後の持続的成長という面で、日本経済は根強いデフレ、すでに膨大な公的債務のさらなる増加、経済セグメント間の格差拡大などといった様々な課題に直面している。大手製造業が輸出拡大の恩恵を受けている一方、中小企業が大半を占める非製造業は収益性、景況感、投資、賃金の面で出遅れている。労働市場でも二極化が進んでおり、低賃金で社会的保護も手薄な非正規労働者が労働人口に占める比率は上昇している。こうした課題に対処するためには、健全なマクロ経済政策や構造改革を含めた包括的な施策によって、労働参加率や生産性を高める一方で経済格差を克服することが求められる。デフレの完全な終息の確保。 日本銀行は、2006 年に導入した新たな金融政策の枠組みに基づいて政策金利を2 度引き上げた後、2007

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