
By Date

  • 28-June-2024


    Individual behaviour and circular economy policies - Opportunities in Italy

    EU Funded Note This working paper takes stock of the literature on behaviourally-informed interventions to facilitate the transition to a circular economy and discusses measures that could be pilot tested in Italy. It provides an overview of the key concepts of behavioural economics and describes the main 'biases' that could influence the adoption of behaviours aligned with the transition to a circular economy by consumers. It goes on to review the empirical evidence on the motivations that may affect the adoption of such behaviours, as well as the empirical insights into the effectiveness of implemented behavioural interventions relevant to the circular economy transition. Finally, the paper introduces three proposals for experimental pilots in Italy.
  • 27-June-2024


    An international review of national and subnational circular economy monitoring frameworks - Lessons and ways forward for Italy

    EU Funded Note This paper takes stock of international good practices to measure progress and impacts towards a circular economy, based on existing circular economy strategies and related measurement frameworks at different levels of government. It also provides an overview of 215 operational and aspirational indicators available in Italy from official statistical sources and targeted circular economy reports. It highlights measurement challenges and concludes by identifying opportunities to expand the monitoring framework in Italy to measure progress towards a circular economy.
  • 24-June-2024


    Economic Instruments for the Circular Economy in Italy - Opportunities for Reform

    EU Funded Note A circular economy keeps the value of resources in the economy for longer, extends the useful lifespan of products and reduces waste, thereby reducing environmental and climatic pressures and increasing domestic competitiveness. Italy is among the leading European actors in transitioning to a circular economy. Its adoption of the National Strategy for the Circular Economy in 2022 reinforced the country’s ambition to rapidly shift from linear to circular modes of production and consumption. Among the envisioned measures, the national strategy calls for a stronger use of economic instruments to achieve a more coherent and effective policy mix. This report identifies opportunities for the enhanced use of economic instruments to support the circular economy in Italy. Part I of this report takes stock of the Italian policy landscape, compares it to international practices and recommends seven policy reforms for further consideration. Part II contains an in-depth analysis of three policy instruments that could reduce demand for virgin materials and promote a shift to secondary materials. These instruments include a virgin materials tax on construction minerals, a reduced VAT rate for products with recycled content and corporate tax credits to promote the use of secondary materials.
  • 21-June-2024


    Scaling up in Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol

    A small group of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that grow fast over a short period of time, i.e., scalers, make an outsized contribution to job creation and economic growth. This paper provides a portrait of scalers in the Italian region of Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol, and its two autonomous provinces: Trentino and Bolzano-Bozen. The region hosts and attracts a dynamic population of scalers. Around one in nine SMEs in Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol is an employment scaler, and more than one in six is a turnover scaler. However, the contribution of the fastest-growing scalers is lower than in the rest of Centre and North Italy, which is in part due to the sectoral specialisation of scalers in the region.
  • 20-June-2024


    Rural Proofing - Lessons from OECD countries and potential application to health

    Improving rural development, well-being and maximising the potential in rural areas requires greater horizontal and vertical co-ordination at the national, regional, and local level as well as the mainstreaming of rural issues across all policies. However, taking an integrated approach to rural development - where rural ministries and non-rural ministries coordinate in the development of polices and initiatives - is often very challenging. Rural proofing is a tool to help policy makers overcome this challenge and develop more nuanced rural-friendly policies. It involves making policy decisions based on evidence on rural dynamics available in a timely fashion to enable changes and adjustments. In practice, however, it is a mechanism that has proved complex to design, implement, and sustain. This article explores how more robust rural proofing models can be developed, with health as a focal point. Drawing on lessons from different OECD member countries, it develops a roadmap for more effective rural proofing mechanisms to help embed the practice in the policy space and culture of governments.
  • 20-June-2024

    English, PDF, 109kb

    Society at a Glance 2024 - How does Italy compare?

    This country note compares Italy to the OECD average across various social indicators, drawing on data from Society at a Glance 2024. As the special chapter in this edition is on fertility trends, the note highlights relevant indicators such as total fertility rates, the mean age of mothers at childbirth, the proportion of young people living with their parents, as well as public spending on family benefits.

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  • 20-June-2024

    Italian, PDF, 159kb

    Society at a Glance 2024 - Come si colloca l’Italia?

    This country note compares Italy to the OECD average across various social indicators, drawing on data from Society at a Glance 2024. Selezione di indicatori relativi al capitolo sulle tendenze della fertilità e altri indicatori sociali.

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  • 13-June-2024


    Guidance for a Monitoring and Evaluation System for Italy’s Universal Civil Service

    EU Funded Note Italy’s Universal Civil Service (UCS) engages young people in volunteering activities that enhance practical skill development for employability, active citizenship, and personal growth. Through a joint project between the OECD, the European Commission, and the Department for Youth Policies, Italy aims to improve the design and implementation of the UCS. As part of the project, this report analyses the current monitoring and evaluation framework of the UCS and provides guidance for the development of a robust results-based Monitoring and Evaluation system to improve the system’s ability to track progress and demonstrate impact.
  • 16-April-2024


    Bringing Trentino's productivity growth back on track - A comparison with OECD "peer" regions

    The Autonomous Province of Trento (Trentino) is among the most productive regions in Europe, but over the past two decades its productivity growth has stagnated. As a result, the productivity gap of Trentino widened by over 20% compared to regions with the same productivity level in 2000. The benchmarking of productivity drivers in Trentino with those of 'peer' regions points to several policy priorities, including: reviving productivity in tradeable sectors, also through increased internationalisation; increasing the share of the labour force with a tertiary education; and getting more out of public R&D while boosting private sector R&D.
  • 29-March-2024


    The art of living well - Cultural participation and well-being

    This paper first presents a meta-analysis of the causal impact of cultural participation on well-being. The meta-analysis classifies the literature according to the strength of the evidence available and various types of cultural activities. Secondly, this paper uses data from time use surveys from Canada, France, Italy, the United Kingdom, and the United States to study individuals’ emotional responses to a series of daily activities. This is then used as a basis for an empirical assessment of the drivers of time allocation across different activities, showing that expectations of future well-being are one of the reasons why individuals decide to engage in cultural activities. Furthermore, the model helps explain why cultural participation, in spite of being one of the most enjoyable human activities, is also the least undertaken. We show that heterogeneity of preferences results in a strong selection effect in available statistics.
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