
Publications & Documents

  • 12-December-2011


    How to improve the economic policy framework for the housing market in Israel

    Israeli house prices have risen by over 50% over the past three years. In part this reflects the fact that for several years housing construction had not kept pace with increases in the number of households.

    Related Documents
  • 8-November-2011


    OECD Environmental Performance Reviews: Israel 2011

    This 2011 review of Israel's environmental conditions and policies evaluates progress in sustainable development, improving natural resource management, integrating environmental and economic policies, and strengthening international co-operation. This report is the first OECD review of Israel’s environmental policy performance.
  • 30-September-2011


    Start-up nation: An innovation story

    This article in the OECD Observer asks what experience Israel, a new OECD member, can bring to the table in terms of innovation. Many OECD countries today are looking to boost productivity through investments in science, technology and R&D. What is Israel's story?

    Related Documents
  • 15-September-2011


    OECD Observer: Special focus on Israel's economy

    From innovation to the banking sector, investment policy, tourism, immigration and employment, read this profile of Israel's economy. Includes interview with Yuval Steinitz, minister of finance.

    Related Documents
  • 7-July-2011

    English, , 707kb

    Policies to Support Eco-innovation in Israel

    Now that Israel has entered the OECD, the government has made significant efforts to push environmental initiatives such as the promotion of eco-innovation. This report provides an overview of governmental efforts to stimulate eco-innovation in the business sector and households.

  • 25-June-2011

    English, , 706kb

    Israel - Enhancing Market Openness, Intellectual Property Rights and Compliance through Regulatory Reform

    Over the last two decades, Israel has opened its economy to international trade and investment by lowering tariffs and improving the domestic regulatory environment for business. This review describes progress on regulatory reform in Israel, which suggests these overall trends will continue.

    Related Documents
  • 7-March-2011

    English, PDF, 1,221kb

    PISA: Does investing in after-school classes pay off? (PISA in Focus No. 3)

    'PISA in Focus' N°3 looks at 15-year-olds' participation in after-school classes and examines its possible impact on their performance.

    Related Documents
  • 13-October-2010


    Taxation, Innovation and the Environment

    By putting a price on pollution, do environmentally related taxes spur innovation? Does the design of the tax play a critical role? What is the effect of this innovation? In analysing these questions, the report draws on case studies that cover Japan, Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, Israel and others. It also covers a wide set of environmental issues and technologies, as well as the economic and policy contexts.

    Related Documents
  • 7-October-2010


    OECD responds to comments by Israel Tourism Minister

    The OECD has written the following letter to the editor of Ha’aretz in response to comments by Israel’s Tourism Minister, Stas Misezhnikov, reported in the newspaper’s 5 October 2010 edition.

    Related Documents
  • 28-September-2010


    Israeli Child Policy and Outcomes (Social, Employment and Migration Working Paper No. 104)

    This working paper presents an overview of child policy in Israel. It covers a wide range of services and policies that are intended to further the wellbeing of children in Israel or that have an impact upon the wellbeing of children.

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