
Working Papers

  • 16-February-2001

    English, Excel, 181kb

    2001/2 - Corporate Responsibility: Results of a fact-finding mission on private initiatives

    This paper summarises the results of a fact-finding mission to which looked at private initiatives in the area of corporate responsibility -- that is, at what companies do to promote legal and ethical compliance.

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  • 15-February-2001

    English, Excel, 247kb

    2001/1 - Private Initiatives for Corporate Responsibility: An Analysis

    This paper analyses the results of a fact-finding project on business approaches to corporate responsibility. In so doing, it places the corporate responsibility in its broader governance setting, recognising...

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  • 28-March-2000

    English, Excel, 185kb

    1999/3 - Rules for the Global Economy: Synergies between Voluntary and Binding Approaches

    Voluntary efforts to ensure that firms adhere to appropriate standards of business conduct have been an important recent development in international business.

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  • 1-April-1999

    English, Excel, 286kb

    1999/1 - Southeast Asia: the Role of FDI Policies in Development

    This study, published in April 1999, looks at the role of foreign direct investment in the development of Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines and Thailand.

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