
Publications & Documents

  • 14-March-2024


    Baseline Report of the Fifth Round of Monitoring of Anti-Corruption Reforms in Azerbaijan

    The fifth round of monitoring under the Istanbul Anti-Corruption Action Plan uses cutting edge methodology to assess Azerbaijan's anti-corruption practices and reforms against a set of indicators, benchmarks and elements under nine performance areas that focus on anti-corruption policy, prevention of corruption and enforcement.

    Related Documents
  • 14-March-2024


    Baseline Report of the Fifth Round of Monitoring of Anti-Corruption Reforms in Moldova

    The fifth round of monitoring under the Istanbul Anti-Corruption Action Plan uses cutting edge methodology to assess Moldova's anti-corruption practices and reforms against a set of indicators, benchmarks and elements under nine performance areas that focus on anti-corruption policy, prevention of corruption and enforcement.

    Related Documents
  • 14-March-2024


    Press Release: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Moldova and Ukraine take promising steps to fight corruption but should improve enforcement and promote business integrity

    Press Release: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Moldova and Ukraine take promising steps to fight corruption but should improve enforcement and promote business integrity

    Related Documents
  • 7-March-2024


    Governments and firms need to address the key risks from a sharp increase in global bond borrowing

    At the end of 2023, the total volume of sovereign and corporate bond debt stood at almost USD 100 trillion, similar in size to global GDP, says a new OECD report.

    Related Documents
  • 7-March-2024


    Geographical Distribution of Financial Flows to Developing Countries 2024

    This publication provides comprehensive data on the volume, origin and types of aid and other resource flows to around 140 developing countries.  The data show each country's receipts of official development assistance as well as other official and private funds from members of the Development Assistance Committee of the OECD, multilateral agencies and other key providers. Key development indicators are given for reference.    Cette publication fournit des données détaillées sur le volume, la provenance and les types d'aide et d'autres apports de ressources attribués à chacun d'environ 140 pays en voie de développement. Les données statistiques couvrent les apports d'aide publique au développement et les autres financements publics et privés fournis à chaque pays bénéficiaire par chacun des membres du Comité d'aide au développement de l'OCDE, par les organismes multilatéraux ainsi que par d'autres fournisseurs.  Des indicateurs socio-économiques de base sont présentés pour information.
  • 4-March-2024


    Cross-border investment into low-carbon infrastructure - An empirical glance

    This working paper provides a granular overview of investments into low-carbon infrastructure, both in the real economy and financial market. The descriptive analysis shows that there is room to scale up cross-border infrastructure investment and to shift investment into low-carbon assets. Specifically, low-carbon cross-border investment can be increased by shifting infrastructure investments, that currently flow into the financial economy, to the real economy and by incentivising the use of financing instruments, i.e., securitised products, that bundle projects and meet different liquidity tastes of investors. The analysis also highlights the important role of foreign direct investment (FDI) into infrastructure from foreign real economy companies.
  • 29-February-2024


    OECD Compendium of Productivity Indicators 2024

    This report presents a comprehensive overview of recent and longer-term trends in productivity levels and growth in OECD countries and selected G20 economies. The different chapters feature an analysis of latest developments in productivity, economic growth, sectoral reallocation, investment, labour productivity by firm size and labour income. This edition also includes a special chapter providing insights of productivity developments in 2023 based on experimental estimates for 38 OECD countries.
  • 24-January-2024


    Sustainable Investment Policy Perspectives in the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)

    The Economic Community of Western African States (ECOWAS) offers a large and diverse market of over 400 million people and natural resource wealth, and yet it is not currently living up to its potential as a destination for international investment. Inflows of foreign direct investment (FDI) in the region have been declining over time, and have not always delivered on promoting sustainable development. This report serves as a baseline diagnostic to explore ways to reinvigorate the reform of the ECOWAS investment climate while also improving sustainable outcomes from investment. It also highlights areas where further collaboration between ECOWAS and the OECD could contribute to improved investment climates throughout the region. Building upon the OECD Policy Framework for Investment and the FDI Qualities Policy Toolkit, the report covers the national regulatory framework encapsulated in national investment laws and how this compares with initiatives at a regional level, investment promotion and facilitation, investment incentives, investment for green growth and responsible business conduct.
  • 15-December-2023


    Latin American Economic Outlook 2023 - Investing in Sustainable Development

    Latin America and the Caribbean needs an ambitious and comprehensive investment agenda to embark on a stronger and more sustainable development trajectory. The 16th edition of the Latin American Economic Outlook proposes ways to make this possible through co-ordinated actions by policy makers, the private sector and international partners. It argues that to close existing investment gaps and overcome the region’s structural challenges, it is essential to scale up domestic and foreign investment. These investments should be a catalyst for better quality jobs and an upgraded production structure, harnessing the potential of LAC’s endowments and of the green and digital transitions. Better governance and information are key to promoting effective and efficient public and private investments. Public institutions are fundamental to aligning investments with national development strategies while building stronger social contracts. The report presents a series of options for financing this new investment agenda, including innovative debt instruments and a renewed role for development finance institutions. The report also highlights the importance of reinvigorated international partnerships across the investment agenda.
  • 15-December-2023


    Subnational investment promotion and decentralisation in the OECD - Strategies and institutions

    This paper explores different frameworks of subnational investment promotion and facilitation and focuses on the link between these frameworks and the degree of and the degree of countries’ decentralisation, their role in regional FDI attractiveness and local development, and their relations with the levels of FDI regional disparities. It also examines characteristics of subnational investment promotion strategies and the quality of institutional relationships within regions, across regions and with the central government.
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