
Latest Documents

  • 1-June-2001


    E-Learning: The Partnership Challenge

    Are the new information and communication technologies transforming education and learning in OECD countries? There is certainly an upsurge in investigations and inquiries into e-learning by all kinds of parties and interest groups -- governmenta...

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  • 2-May-2001


    The Well-being of Nations: The Role of Human and Social Capital

    In a rapidly changing world, the success of nations, communities and individuals may be linked, more than ever before, to how they adapt to change, learn and share knowledge. This report helps clarify the concepts of human and social capital and ...

  • 22-September-2000


    Learning to Bridge the Digital Divide

    Across the OECD, attention is focusing increasingly on what has been dubbed the "digital divide" - a term that refers to the gaps in access to information and communication technology (ICT). The stakes are high, as ICT is now integral to the soci...

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  • 8-March-2000


    Knowledge Management in the Learning Society

    To function and prosper in the learning society, the management of knowledge is becoming a new and crucial challenge for both private companies and public organisations. It is increasingly important for companies and organisations to produce, sha...

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  • 26-October-1999


    Education Policy Analysis 1999 Edition

    To meet a continuing growth in demand for learning, OECD countries seek to provide a wider array of education and training opportunities for learners in their earliest years through adult life. Has increased participation in education and trainin...

  • 22-April-1999


    Innovating Schools

    It is now widely agreed that learning is pivotal in the "knowledge societies" of today and, still more, of tomorrow. It is also widely agreed that schools have a key role to play in laying the foundations for lifelong learning for all of us. But,...

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  • 6-November-1998


    Making the Curriculum Work

    How can curriculum content be adjusted to tomorrow's needs? Can student assessment help make curricula more relevant? How can further training for teachers make their teaching more effective? These questions lie at the heart of curriculum reform,...

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  • 4-May-1998


    Human Capital Investment - An International Comparison (online publication)

    Investment in human capital is to the fore of debate and analysis in OECD countries about how to promote economic prosperity, fuller employment, and social cohesion. Individuals, organisations and nations increasingly recognise that high levels o...

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  • 1-April-1996


    Measuring What People Know: Human Capital Accounting for the Knowledge Economy (E-book PDF Format)

    Is human capital accounting theoretically possible and practically feasible? Economists estimate human capital on the basis of years of schooling or formal educational attainment levels regardless of actual productive capacity. Financial accounting and reporting ignore even these crude measures, leaving human capital off the balance sheet for want of rules or conventions. A review of innovative policies in OECD countries shows that

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