

  • 2-September-2017


    Algorithms and competition: Friends or foes?

    This article by OECD's Antonio Capobianco and Pedro Gonzaga focuses on whether algorithms can make tacit collusion easier, both in oligopolistic markets and in markets which do not manifest the structural features that are usually associated with the risk of collusion. It was published in the August 2017 edition of the CPI Chronicle.

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  • 21-July-2017


    What’s holding back investment and innovation in renewable energy?

    There is no shortage of capital available globally to finance renewable-energy projects. The financial sector encompasses more than €100 trillion of assets. So how is it that investment in renewable energy is not flowing faster? This article by OECD policy analyst Geraldine Ang proposes responses to the trillion-dollar question.

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  • 27-October-2016


    Space and innovation: the next frontier

    Space-based technologies are now as much a part of everyday life as electricity or running water. A range of activities from paying with a smart card to playing Pokémon Go use satellite networks to transmit data or get a positioning signal.

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  • 17-October-2016


    Innovation and complexity - Insights blog

    Economists working at the OECD were pioneers of a new approach that saw innovation not as something linear but as an ecosystem involving interactions among existing knowledge, research, and invention; potential markets; and the production process.

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  • 24-June-2016


    Tax challenges, disruption and the digital economy

    While the digital economy cannot be separated out from the rest of the economy, it is equally clear that some specific features of the digital economy may exacerbate the risks of base erosion and profit shifting for tax purposes–namely mobility (e.g. intangibles, business functions), reliance on data (and other forms of user input), network effects, and the spread of multi-sided business models.

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  • 10-June-2016


    Digital Transformation in Chile: A roadmap to strengthen its governance

    Chile has established itself as a regional leader and has been rapidly closing the gap with other OECD countries in the field of digital government.

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  • 3-June-2016


    Digital innovation – what does it really mean?

    Digitalisation of goods and services destroys established business models and disrupts existing value chains. New value chains emerge. This is often called disruptive innovation.

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  • 4-April-2016


    Disruptive innovation and competition in Latin America and the Caribbean

    Disruptive innovation is redefining markets around the world and the Latin American and Caribbean region is no exception. In the run-up to the Latin American and Caribbean Competition Forum in Mexico-City on 12-13 April 2016, this article looks at the competition enforcement challenges and advocacy opportunities around disruptive innovations in the region.

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  • 21-August-2015


    Reaching Maturity in Government Use of Social Media

    Blog post reviewing the recent trends in the use of social media by governments. The article includes a look at the the top 30 government Twitter a/c's and the fastest growing accounts.

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  • 22-November-2014


    An innovative public sector? - Insights Blog

    Over the past couple of years the OECD has been working with countries to develop the Observatory of Public Sector Innovation, to help them make the most of innovation. The Observatory puts the experiences of innovators from across the world at everyone’s finger tips.

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