
Working Papers

  • 21-December-2011


    Compilation of Bilateral Trade Database by Industry and End-use Category (OECD Science, Technology and Industry Working Paper 2011/6)

    The OECD STAN Bilateral Trade Database by Industry and End-use Category allows insights into patterns of trade in intermediate goods between countries to track global production networks and supply chains and helps address other related policy issues such as trade in value added and tasks.

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  • 20-December-2011


    Imports, Innovation and Employment after Crisis - Evidence from a Developing Country (OECD Science, Technology and Industry Working Paper 2011/5)

    Imports are often perceived as a threat to employment. However, access to imported intermediate inputs can be essential to stimulate innovation and employment. We investigate based on a unique dataset of Ecuadorian manufacturing firms, their final products and intermediate inputs.

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  • 14-December-2011


    Recent Developments in Asian Economic Integration (OECD Science, Technology and Industry Working Paper 2011/3)

    This paper analyses the contribution to and engagement in global supply chains of Asian emerging economies by measuring several globalisation indicators based on the harmonised input-output and bilateral trade databases developed by the OECD.

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  • 22-August-2011


    Opening Japan: Comparisons with Other G20 Countries and Lessons Learned from International Experience (OECD Science, Technology and Industry Working Paper 2011/2)

    This paper aims to assess the openness of the Japanese economy and to show how policies promoting openness are conducive to long-term growth.

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  • 30-June-2010

    English, Excel, 1,042kb

    OECD's FDI Restrictiveness Index: 2010 Update - OECD Working Papers on International Investment - No. 2010/3

    This working paper, the 2010 update of the FDI Restrictiveness Index (FDI Index), expands the sectors covered and revises the way in which FDI measures are scored and weighted.

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  • 25-March-2010


    The OECD ORBIS database: responding to the need for firm-level micro-data in the OECD

    Statistics Working Paper N. 30 - 2010/1 - Firm-level micro-data have become increasingly important in OECD activities not only for econometric analysis that captures heterogeneity across enterprises but also in order to conduct different and more detailed types of data aggregation (e.g. by geographical unit, firm size, industry). This paper describes the development of the OECD ORBIS micro database. This database includes more than

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  • 19-March-2010


    Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Financial Market Cycles (OECD Science, Technology and Industry Working Paper 2010/3)

    This paper reviews evidence of the relationship between innovation and entrepreneurship. It then turns to understanding the consequences of market cycles and the economic crisis and discusses implications for programmes to encourage financing for entrepreneurs and venture capital.

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  • 8-April-2009


    Trademarks as an Indicator of Product and Marketing Innovations (OECD Science, Technology and Industry Working Paper 2009/6)

    This paper aims at presenting trademarks, their potential link with innovations and their main statistical properties, to see if they may serve as an innovation indicator.

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  • 2-March-2009


    Towards Harmonised Bilateral Trade Data for Inter-Country Input-Output Analyses: Statistical Issues (STI Working Paper 2009/4)

    This paper discusses the challenges faced when attempting to construct appropriate bilateral trade matrices using annual data collected by the OECD and United Nations, as well as national sources.

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  • 10-February-2009


    The Measurement of CO2 Embodiments in International Trade: Evidence from the Harmonised Input-Output and Bilateral Trade Database (STI Working Paper 2009/3)

    This study addresses the issue of carbon embodiments in trade using internationally comparable OECD data sources (input-output, bilateral goods trade and CO2 emissions) for 41 countries/regions by 17 industries.

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