
Working Papers

  • 1-October-2004

    Russian, , 887kb

    2004/4 - Косвенная экспроприация и право на регулирование в международном инвестиционном праве

    This article on "Indirect Expropriation" and the "Right to Regulate" in International Investment Lawwas translated into Russian by Dr. Marina Trunk-Fedorova, LL.M. and published in Die Rechtslage von Auslandsinvestitionen in Transformationslaendern – Legal issues of foreign investment in transition countries. Liber Amicorum to Professor Wolfgang Seiffert, former Director of the Institute of East European Law at the University of

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  • 30-September-2004

    Chinese, , 1,114kb

    2004/3 - 国际投资法上的公正与公平待遇标准

    This document provides factual elements of information on jurisprudence, literature and state practice related to the fair and equitable treatment standard. It examines the origins of the standard and its use in international agreements and state practice, its relationship with the minimum standard of international customary law and the elements of its normative content as identified by arbitral tribunals.

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  • 19-May-2004

    English, Excel, 205kb

    2004/1 - Relationships between International Investment Agreements

    International, bilateral and regional agreements have proliferated in the last ten to twenty years and new ones are still being negotiated. This study seeks to increase the level of understanding of the relationships between international investment disciplines...

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  • 21-April-2004


    Multinationals and U.S. Productivity Leadership: Evidence from Great Britain (STI Working Paper 2004/5)

    This paper is a study of the productivity of plants owned by US firms located in the UK.

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  • 22-March-2004


    An Emerging Knowledge-Based Economy in China? Indicators from OECD Databases (STI Working Paper 2004/4)

    This paper shows that China is catching up rapidly with other dynamic Asian economies and the Triad economies on a score of indicators relating to the knowledge-based economy. Report produced with the support of the OECD Centre for Co-operation with Non-Members (CCNM).

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  • 18-March-2004


    Business Dynamics, Regulation and Performance (STI Working Paper 2004/3)

    Building on an earlier study of patterns on firm entry, exit growth and survival (DSTI Working Paper 2004/1), this paper takes a closer look at the role of policies and institutions for firm entry and survival and at the link between new firm creation and economic performance.

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  • 11-March-2004


    Business Dynamics in Europe (STI Working Paper 2004/1)

    This study presents evidence on firm entry and exit, growth and survival derived with new data from Eurostat, covering nine European Union member countries.

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  • 18-December-2003


    Comparing Labour Productivity Growth in the OECD Area: The Role of Measurement

    Statistics Working Paper N 8 - 2003/5 - This paper examines how measurement problems affect international comparisons of labour productivity. It suggests that these measurement problems do not significantly affect the assessment of aggregate productivity patterns in the OECD area. However, these problems do influence the more detailed assessment of productivity growth, notably the role of specific sectors and demand components in

  • 8-December-2003


    Venture Capital Policy Review: Portugal (STI Working Paper 2003/19)

    This paper analyses trends in Portuguese venture capital markets and makes policy recommendations which have been developed through an OECD peer review process.

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