
Meetings / Conferences / Agendas

  • 25-June-2020


    Estudios de la OCDE sobre Políticas Públicas de Conducta Empresarial Responsable de Perú

    Estudios de la OCDE sobre políticas públicas de conducta empresarial responsable busca fomentar el papel del Gobierno de Perú en la promoción de la conducta empresarial responsable (CER) y la creación de condiciones propicias para ésta.

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  • 19-May-2020


    2020 Global Forum on Responsible Business Conduct

    19 May 2020: The 2020 Global Forum will be held virtually and in two parts. The first part on 19 May 2020 will focus on how governments and businesses can use an responsible business conduct approach to address the COVID-19 crisis and build more resilient supply chains.

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  • 19-March-2020


    OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Business Conduct

    The OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises recommend that enterprises conduct due diligence in order to identify, prevent or mitigate and account for how actual and potential adverse impacts are addressed. This Due Diligence Guidance provides practical support to enterprises by providing plain language explanations of due diligence recommendations and associated provisions.

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  • 30-August-2019


    Promoting investment in the Mediterranean

    This joint EU-OECD programme supports Mediterranean governments to attract quality investment for job creation, local development, economic diversification and stability.

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  • 24-October-2017


    4th OECD Green Investment Financing Forum

    Paris, 24-25 October 2017: Bringing together leading actors across the green finance community, the 2017 forum will focus on the short and long-term actions needed to meet the Paris Agreement; opportunities for green investment; the role of the financial system; and channels for green finance and investment.

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  • 12-September-2017


    OECD Eurasia Week 2017 - Openness for shared prosperity (23-25 October 2017)

    This high-level meeting will be organised for the first time in the Eurasia region, in Almaty, Kazakhstan. This event creates an opportunity to further strengthen relations between the countries of the region and the OECD and serves as a platform for a discussion on a broad spectrum of thematic issues relevant to further improving the region’s competitiveness.

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  • 6-March-2017


    OECD Global Forum on International Investment

    Paris, 6 March 2016 - The 2017 Global Forum contributed to the broader policy debate about how to address globalisation failures from an international investment perspective. Debates addressed options for reforming the international investment policy regime across three dimensions: openness, responsibility and inclusiveness.

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  • 9-November-2016


    COP22 session on enabling policies for green investment and development

    9 November 2016, Marrakesh - This COP22 side event will focus on the role of policies and domestic enabling conditions to encourage private investment in green infrastructure in developing countries, drawing on lessons learned from country-specific experiences in Jordan and Viet Nam.

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  • 3-June-2016


    International Economic Forum on Latin America and the Caribbean

    The theme of the 2016 Forum taking place in Paris on 3 June is "New Challenges and Innovative Partnerships in a Shifting World". Key issues on the agenda include redefining partnerships to support inclusive and sustainable growth, and innovative policies to increase productivity and tackle inequalities.

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  • 31-May-2016


    OECD Forum 2016: Productive economies, Inclusive societies

    Forum 2016, entitled Productive economies, Inclusive societies will be organised around the 3 cross-cutting themes of the OECD Week: inclusive growth and productivity, innovation and the digital economy, and international collaboration for implementing international agreements (COP21 and the Sustainable Development Goals) and standards (BEPS and automatic exchange of information).

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