

  • 29-July-2013

    English, PDF, 348kb

    FDI in Figures - July 2013

    Preliminary estimates in the July edition of FDI in Figures show that Russia recorded its highest-ever level of FDI outflows, making the country the second largest investor worldwide in the first quarter of 2013.

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  • 21-December-2011


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    Statistics Brief No. 15 - Measuring Entrepreneurship

    This issue of Statistics Brief presents some of the key entrepreneurship indicators developed by the OECD-Eurostat Entrepreneurship Indicators Programme, along with basic information on the methodologies for their collection, and explains the policy context for their use.

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  • 4-May-2010


    Structural and Demographic Business Statistics 2009

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    Measuring Entrepreneurship: A Digest of Indicators, 2009 edition

    This report presents the results of the second round of empirical data collected under the Entrepreneurship Indicators Programme (EIP).

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    Developments in Steelmaking Capacity of Non-OECD Economies (2008 edition)

    This publication reports on steelmaking capacity on an economy-by-economy, plant or project basis and likely changes up to 2010.

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  • 7-November-2006


    Developments in Steelmaking Capacity of Non-OECD Economies (2005 edition)

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  • 28-June-2005


    Iron and Steel Industry in 2003 (2005 edition)

    This annual publication provides steel production and consumption statistics, trade data, and other indicators of activity such as employment levels, annual investment expenditures by sector and by country, export prices, domestic prices and indices for certain iron and steel products.

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