

  • 14-June-2015


    As demands for better human rights reporting grow fast, help is at hand

    This blog post discusses how the UN Guiding Principles Reporting Framework, introduced in February 2015, help companies provide evidence of how they are conducting human rights due diligence: the process of assessing and addressing their human rights impacts, and tracking and communicating how well they do so.

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  • 29-May-2015


    The OECD’s Business and Finance Outlook looks at the Greatest Puzzle of Today

    The greatest puzzle today is that since the global crisis financial markets see so little risk, with asset prices rising everywhere in response to zero interest rates and quantitative easing, while companies that invest in the real economy appear see so much more risk. What can be happening?

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  • 24-April-2015


    Rethinking due diligence practices in the apparel supply chain

    Two years ago today, the Rana Plaza building in Bangladesh’s capital Dhaka collapsed, killing over 1,100 people and injuring another 2,500. The dead and injured were garment workers. This blog post looks at due diligence in the apparel supply chain.

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  • 15-April-2015


    Legislation on responsible business conduct must reinforce the wheel, not reinvent it

    This article by Roel Nieuwenkamp talks about the trend of hardening of soft law in the domain of responsible business conduct. It argues that legislative proposals related to existing international instruments should not seek to reinvent the wheel, but to reinforce it. Existing instruments that are widely recognised and proven to be effective and reasonable should represent a foundation for their legally-binding counterparts.

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  • 13-April-2015


    Holding business to account

    The promotion of responsible business conduct has taken an important step forward with the launch of a new reporting framework. Businesses now have no excuse for not explaining how they’re meeting their human rights obligations.

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  • 24-March-2015


    Responsible gold also means supporting livelihoods of artisanal miners

    Today the discourse on “conflict minerals” has changed. It’s not just about conflict-free, it's about promoting responsible sourcing of minerals from conflict areas, despite the challenges. This blog discusses the urgent need to create responsible supply chains of artisanal gold, and support the livelihoods of miners in the informal gold industry, and how OECD guidance can help companies do this.

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  • 13-November-2014


    Forging a gender-balanced economy

    Getting more women into work is a priority goal of G20 policy, but gender inequality is a barrier. To overcome this, the OECD, ILO and others have identified ways forward.

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  • 13-October-2014


    The growing pains of investment treaties

    OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurría blogs about international investment treaties at a time when they are increasingly in the spotlight.

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  • 14-October-2013


    Insights Blog: In search of elusive growth - Making the most of R&D tax incentives

    Finding new sources of growth right now is tough. And in a time of rising inequality, to do so equitably and fairly is even tougher. Innovation can help, but with budgets stretched to the limit how can governments boost innovation in their economies?

  • 27-May-2013


    Failing to close the stable door

    The recent scandal over the use of horsemeat in readymade meals that has shaken the entire European continent has revealed not only the complexity and opacity of our food supply chain, but also–and above all–the shortcomings of European food law.

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