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  • 27-June-2000

    Czech, , 396kb

  • 20-June-1997

    English, , 5,446kb

    OECD Reviews of Foreign Direct Investment: Chile

    Chile is a significant host for foreign direct investment (FDI) in South America, especially given the relatively small size of its economy. The attraction of Chile to foreign investors lies not only in its resource abundance but also in its tradition of openness to foreign investment. Chilean policies towards inward investment generally conform to OECD standards, and the country has been a trailblazer within Latin America in terms of

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  • 14-May-1991


    OCDE/GD(97)40 - The OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises: 1991 Review

    This document contains the text, commentary and implementation procedures from the 1991 Review of the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.

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