

  • 6-December-2016

    English, PDF, 1,155kb

    PISA 2015 country note for Indonesia

    This country note presents student performance in science, reading and mathematics, and measures equity in education in Indonesia.

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    Industrial Production for OECD Countries and Major Non-Member Economies

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  • 12-January-2012


    Interest Rates for OECD Countries and Major Non-Member Economies

    Access time series of immediate (overnight), short-term (3 month interbank rate), and long-term (10 yr bonds) interest rates for OECD countries and major non-member economies. The series are updated continuously.

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  • 12-January-2012


    Monetary Aggregates for OECD Countries and Major Non-Member Economies

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  • 7-December-2011


    OECD Statistical Profile of Indonesia

    More than 40 indicators covering a wide range of areas. Click on the red i beside each indicator to obtain the unit of measure, a definition of the indicator and a list of references. To compare with other OECD countries, tables and charts are provided at the end of each row.

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